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There are 10 six-letter words containing TEND

ATTENDattend v. (Archaic, transitive) To listen to (something or someone); to pay attention to; regard; heed.
attend v. (Archaic, intransitive) To listen (to, unto).
attend v. (Intransitive) To turn one’s consideration (to); to deal with (A task, problem, concern etc.), to look after.
EXTENDextend v. (Intransitive) To increase in extent.
extend v. (Intransitive) To possess a certain extent; to cover an amount of space.
extend v. (Transitive) To cause to increase in extent.
INTENDintend v. (Transitive, intransitive, usually followed by the particle "to") To fix the mind upon (something, or…
intend v. To fix the mind on; attend to; take care of; superintend; regard.
intend v. (Obsolete) To stretch to extend; distend.
OBTENDobtend v. (Obsolete) To oppose; to hold out in opposition.
obtend v. (Obsolete) To offer as the reason for something; to pretend.
OBTEND v. (obsolete) to put forward or allege.
STENDSstends n. Plural of stend.
STEND v. (Scots) to bound, stride vigorously, also STEN.
TENDEDtended v. Simple past tense and past participle of tend.
'tended v. Simple past tense and past participle of ’tend.
TEND v. to watch over.
TENDERtender adj. Sensitive or painful to the touch.
tender adj. Easily bruised or injured; not firm or hard; delicate.
tender adj. Physically weak; not able to endure hardship.
TENDONtendon n. (Anatomy) A tough band of flexible but inelastic fibrous collagen tissue that connects a muscle with…
tendon n. (Biology) The hamstring of a quadruped.
tendon n. (Construction) A wire or bar used to strengthen prestressed concrete.
TENDREtendre adj. Obsolete form of tender.
tendre v. Obsolete form of tender.
tendre n. (Archaic) Tender feeling or fondness; affection.
TENDUStendus n. Plural of tendu.
TENDU n. an Asian ebony tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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