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There are 5 six-letter words containing TARD

BATARDbatard n. A loaf of bread similar in shape to a baguette, but shorter (15 to 30 cm / 6 to 12 inches in length).
BATARD n. a birchbark canoe.
DOTARDdotard n. An old person with impaired intellect; one in his or her dotage.
dotard n. One who dotes on another, showing excessive fondness.
DOTARD n. someone who dotes, also DOTANT.
PETARDpetard n. (Historical) A small, hat-shaped explosive device, used to breach a door or wall.
petard n. Anything potentially explosive, in a non-literal sense.
petard n. (Rare) A loud firecracker.
RETARDretard n. Retardation; delay.
retard n. (Music) A slowing down of the tempo; a ritardando.
retard n. (Offensive, dated) A person with mental retardation.
RITARDRITARD n. (Italian) a musical passage with a gradual slackening of tempo, also RITARDANDO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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