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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing TITI

ADSCITITIOUSLYadscititiously adv. In an adscititious way.
ADSCITITIOUS adv. added or assumed, also ASCITITIOUS.
ADVENTITIOUSLYadventitiously adv. In an adventitious manner; sporadically.
ADVENTITIOUS adv. coming from another source; arising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location.
EQUIPARTITIONSequipartitions n. Plural of equipartition.
equipartitions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of equipartition.
EQUIPARTITION n. the equal division of the energy of a system in thermal equilibrium between different degrees of freedom.
EXCREMENTITIALexcrementitial adj. (Physiology) Pertaining to, or consisting of, excrement; of the nature of excrement.
EXCREMENTITIAL adj. of or pertaining to excrement, also EXCREMENTAL.
FACTITIOUSNESSfactitiousness n. The quality of being factitious.
FACTITIOUS n. contrived, artificial.
FICTITIOUSNESSfictitiousness n. The state of being fictitious.
FICTITIOUS n. of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction, imaginary.
INTERSTITIALLYinterstitially adv. In an interstitial way.
INTERSTITIAL adv. occurring in an interstice.
NONCOMPETITIONnoncompetition adj. Of or pertaining to an agreement not to compete with another party.
noncompetition adj. A failure to compete.
NONCOMPETITION n. something that is not a competition.
NONCOMPETITIVEnoncompetitive adj. That does not involve competition or rivalry.
non-competitive adj. Alternative spelling of noncompetitive.
NONCOMPETITIVE adj. not competitive.
PANCREATITIDESpancreatitides n. Plural of pancreatitis.
PANCREATITIS n. inflammation of the pancreas.
PANCREATITISESpancreatitises n. Plural of pancreatitis.
PANCREATITIS n. inflammation of the pancreas.
PARTITIONMENTSpartitionments n. Plural of partitionment.
PARTITIONMENT n. the act of partitioning.
PRECOMPETITIVEprecompetitive adj. Describing the early stages of the development of a commercial product, during which competitors collaborate.
PRECOMPETITIVE adj. denoting a period of industrial or commercial development during which competitors work together.
RECREMENTITIALrecrementitial adj. (Medicine) Of the nature of a recrement.
RECREMENTITIAL adj. of or like recrement, waste, dross, also RECREMENTITIOUS.
REPARTITIONINGrepartitioning v. Present participle of repartition.
repartitioning n. Division into new or different partitions.
REPARTITION v. to partition again.
REPETITIVENESSrepetitiveness n. The state of being repetitive.
REPETITIVE n. showing repetition.
STALACTITIFORMstalactitiform adj. Having the form of a stalactite; stalactiform.
STALACTITIFORM adj. having the form of a stalactite.
SUPPOSITITIOUSsupposititious adj. (Obsolete) Spurious; substituted for the genuine, counterfeit; fake.
supposititious adj. (Obsolete) Imaginary; fictitious, pretended to exist.
supposititious adj. Supposed or hypothetical.
TRANSVESTITISMtransvestitism n. Transvestism.
TRANSVESTITISM n. cross-dressing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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