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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing TENI

AFFRIGHTENINGaffrightening v. Present participle of affrighten.
AFFRIGHTEN v. to frighten, also AFFRIGHT.
BENIGHTENINGSBENIGHTENING n. being overtaken by night.
DISHEARTENINGdisheartening adj. Causing a person to lose heart; making despondent or gloomy.
disheartening v. Present participle of dishearten.
DISHEARTEN v. to cause to lose spirit or morale.
DISQUIETENINGdisquietening v. Present participle of disquieten.
DISQUIETEN v. to make disquiet, anxious.
FRIGHTENINGLYfrighteningly adv. In a frightening or terrifying manner.
frighteningly adv. Very; beyond usual expectation so as to cause surprise or concern.
FRIGHTENING adv. FRIGHTEN, to make afraid, to scare, also FRIGHT.
ISOTENISCOPESISOTENISCOPE n. an instrument used to measure vapour pressure.
KITTENISHNESSkittenishness n. The state or condition of being kittenish.
KITTENISH n. of or like a kitten.
OUTSWEETENINGoutsweetening v. Present participle of outsweeten.
OUTSWEETEN v. to surpass in sweetness.
PREMOISTENINGpremoistening v. Present participle of premoisten.
PREMOISTEN v. to moisten beforehand.
PRESWEETENINGpresweetening v. Present participle of presweeten.
PRESWEETEN v. to sweeten in advance.
RECHRISTENINGrechristening v. Present participle of rechristen.
rechristening n. A second or subsequent christening.
RECHRISTEN v. to christen again.
STRAIGHTENINGstraightening v. Present participle of straighten.
straightening n. The act of making something straight.
STRAIGHTEN v. to make straight.
THREATENINGLYthreateningly adv. In a threatening manner.
THREATENING adv. ominous.
UNCHRISTENINGunchristening v. Present participle of unchristen.
UNCHRISTEN v. to render unchristian.
UNTHREATENINGunthreatening adj. Not threatening.
UNTHREATENING adj. not threatening.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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