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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing TUPE

STUPEFACIENTstupefacient adj. (Medicine) Inducing stupor or drowsiness (with a drug such as a narcotic or an anaesthetic).
stupefacient n. (Medicine) Any drug that induces stupor or drowsiness.
STUPEFACIENT n. a narcotic, a stupefying drug.
STUPEFACTIONstupefaction n. The state of extreme shock or astonishment.
stupefaction n. A state of insensibility; stupor.
STUPEFACTION n. the act of stupefying.
STUPEFACTIVEstupefactive adj. Inducing stupor; making drowsy; stupefacient.
STUPEFACTIVE adj. causing stupefaction.
STUPEFYINGLYstupefyingly adv. In a stupefying manner.
STUPEFYING adv. STUPEFY, to dull the senses of.
STUPENDOUSLYstupendously adv. In a stupendous manner.
STUPENDOUS adv. causing astonishment or wonder, also STUPENDIOUS.
VITUPERATINGvituperating v. Present participle of vituperate.
VITUPERATE v. to abuse or censure severely or abusively.
VITUPERATIONvituperation n. The act of vituperating; severely blaming or censuring.
vituperation n. Criticism or invective that is sustained and overly harsh; abuse, severe blame or censure.
VITUPERATION n. abuse, rejection.
VITUPERATIVEvituperative adj. Marked by harsh, spoken, or written abuse; abusive, often with ranting or railing.
VITUPERATIVE adj. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATORY.
VITUPERATORSvituperators n. Plural of vituperator.
VITUPERATOR n. one who vituperates.
VITUPERATORYvituperatory adj. Vituperative.
VITUPERATORY adj. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATIVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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