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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing TOSI

ATHROCYTOSISathrocytosis n. The absorption of foreign material in the cytoplasm of some cells.
ATHROCYTOSIS n. of a cell, having the ability to absorb and store foreign matter.
ENTEROPTOSISenteroptosis n. Visceroptosis of the intestines.
ENTEROPTOSIS n. downward displacement of the intestines.
GALACTOSIDESgalactosides n. Plural of galactoside.
GALACTOSIDE n. a glycoside that yields galactose on hydrolysis.
HYPEROSTOSIShyperostosis n. (Medicine) An excessive growth or thickening of bone.
HYPEROSTOSIS n. abnormal growth of bone tissue.
LEUCOCYTOSISleucocytosis n. (Pathology) A raised white blood cell count, above the normal range.
LEUCOCYTOSIS n. an increase in the number of leucocytes in blood.
LEUKOCYTOSISleukocytosis n. Alternative spelling of leucocytosis.
LEUKOCYTOSIS n. an increase in the number of white blood cells in the circulating blood.
MACROCYTOSISmacrocytosis n. The presence of macrocytes in the blood.
MACROCYTOSIS n. the occurrence of macrocytes in the blood.
NEPHROPTOSISnephroptosis n. An abnormal condition in which the kidney drops down into the pelvis when the patient stands up.
NEPHROPTOSIS n. floating kidney.
PHAGOCYTOSISphagocytosis n. (Immunology, cytology) A form of endocytosis in which a cell incorporates a particle by extending pseudopodia…
PHAGOCYTOSIS n. the destruction of harmful elements by phagocytes.
SARCOMATOSISsarcomatosis n. (Pathology) The spread of a sarcoma throughout the body.
SARCOMATOSIS n. a disease characterized by the presence and spread of sarcomas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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