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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing TIEN

CONSENTIENTconsentient adj. (Obsolete) agreeing; in accord.
CONSENTIENT adj. unanimous; of one accord.
DISCUTIENTSdiscutients n. Plural of discutient.
DISCUTIENT n. a medicine serving to disperse morbid matter.
DISSENTIENTdissentient n. A dissenter.
dissentient adj. Dissenting; of a different opinion.
DISSENTIENT adj. dissenting.
IMPATIENCESimpatiences n. Plural of impatience.
IMPATIENCE n. the state of being impatient.
IMPATIENTLYimpatiently adv. Without patience.
IMPATIENT adv. not patient.
INSENTIENCEinsentience n. The condition of being insentient.
INSENTIENCE n. the state of being insentient, also INSENTIENCY.
INSENTIENCYINSENTIENCY n. the state of being insentient, also INSENTIENCE.
MULTIENGINEmultiengine adj. Having more than one engine.
multiengine n. An aircraft with more than one engine.
MULTIENGINE adj. having many engines, also MULTIENGINED.
MULTIENZYMEmultienzyme n. (Biochemistry) Any protein having two or more catalytic functions.
multienzyme adj. Containing multiple enzymes.
MULTIENZYME adj. composed of or involving two or more enzymes that function in a biosynthetic pathway.
OMNIPATIENTomnipatient adj. Infinitely patient; capable of enduring all things.
OMNIPATIENT adj. enduring all things.
OUTPATIENTSoutpatients n. Plural of outpatient.
out-patients n. Plural of out-patient.
OUTPATIENT n. a patient who is not hospitalized overnight but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment.
PERCUTIENTSpercutients n. Plural of percutient.
PERCUTIENT n. something that strikes or has the power to strike.
PRESENTIENTpresentient adj. Having a presentiment.
presentient adj. Not yet having achieved sentience.
PRESENTIENT adj. prescient; having a premonition.
SENTIENCIESsentiencies n. Plural of sentiency.
SENTIENCY n. the state of being sentient, also SENTIENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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