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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing TIAN

ADOPTIANISMadoptianism n. Alternative form of adoptionism.
ADOPTIANISM n. the doctrine that Christ, as man, is the adopted son of God, also ADOPTIONISM.
ADOPTIANISTadoptianist n. (Christianity) Alternative form of adoptionist.
ADOPTIANIST n. a believer in adoptianism, the doctrine that Christ, as man, is the adopted son of God, also ADOPTIONIST.
ANTIANXIETYantianxiety adj. (Psychology, pharmacology) Acting to combat or reduce anxiety.
antianxiety n. (Pharmacology) A medication that combats or reduces anxiety.
ANTIANXIETY adj. designed to alleviate anxiety.
CHRISTIANIAchristiania n. Synonym of christie (“skiing turn”).
Christiania prop.n. A former name of Oslo.
CHRISTIANIA n. a kind of turn in skiing, also CHRISTIE, CHRISTY.
CREATIANISMcreatianism n. (Religion) The doctrine that God creates a soul for each body that is generated.
CREATIANISM n. a fundamentalism Christian doctrine that denies evolution, also CREATIONISM.
FUSTIANISEDFUSTIANISE v. to write bombastically, also FUSTIANIZE.
FUSTIANISESFUSTIANISE v. to write bombastically, also FUSTIANIZE.
FUSTIANISTSfustianists n. Plural of fustianist.
FUSTIANIST n. a writer of fustian.
FUSTIANIZEDfustianized v. Simple past tense and past participle of fustianize.
FUSTIANIZE v. to write bombastically, also FUSTIANISE.
FUSTIANIZESfustianizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fustianize.
FUSTIANIZE v. to write bombastically, also FUSTIANISE.
GENTIANELLAgentianella n. (Botany) Any of the genus Gentianella of dwarf gentians.
Gentianella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Gentianaceae – the dwarf gentian.
GENTIANELLA n. a name for several species of gentian, esp. Gentiana acaulis, with deep-blue flowers.
GENTILITIANgentilitian adj. Synonym of gentilitial.
GENTILITIAN adj. relating to a gens, also GENTILITIAL, GENTILITIOUS.
GLASNOSTIANglasnostian adj. Relating to glasnost.
GLASNOSTIAN adj. in the spirit of glasnost, the policy of openness and forthrightness under the premiership of Mikhail Gorbachev, also GLASNOSTIC.
LILLIPUTIANlilliputian n. A very small person or being.
lilliputian n. (Genetics) A fruit fly gene that, when mutated, makes cells abnormally small. See AFF2.
lilliputian adj. Very small, diminutive.
RUMFUSTIANSrumfustians n. Plural of rumfustian.
RUMFUSTIAN n. (archaic) a hot alcoholic drink made from rum and various spices.
SALIENTIANSsalientians n. Plural of salientian.
SALIENTIAN n. an amphibian belonging to the order Salientia.
TRIBUNITIANtribunitian adj. Tribunician; relating to a tribune.
UNCHRISTIANunchristian adj. Not of the Christian faith.
unchristian adj. Not in accord with Christian principles; without Christian spirit; unbefitting a Christian.
un-Christian adj. Rare spelling of unchristian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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