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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing THOD

ANTICATHODEanticathode n. (Electrochemistry) The opposite of a cathode, an anode.
anticathode n. (Electronics) The target at which electrons from the cathode in a CRT or x-ray tube are directed.
ANTICATHODE n. the target of an X-ray tube, on which the cathode rays are focused and from which X-rays are emitted.
LITHODOMOUSlithodomous adj. (Zoology) Like, or relating to, Lithodomus; lithophagous.
LITHODOMOUS adj. living in burrows in rocks.
METHODISINGmethodising v. Present participle of methodise.
METHODISE v. to reduce to method; to arrange in an orderly way; as, to methodize one's work or thoughts, also METHODIZE.
METHODISTICmethodistic adj. Of or relating to methodists, or the Methodists.
METHODISTIC adj. of or like Methodism.
METHODIZERSmethodizers n. Plural of methodizer.
METHODIZER n. one who methodizes, also METHODISER.
METHODIZINGmethodizing v. Present participle of methodize.
METHODIZE v. to reduce to method; to arrange in an orderly way; as, to methodize one's work or thoughts, also METHODISE.
METHODOLOGYmethodology n. (Originally sciences) The study of methods used in a field.
methodology n. (Loosely) A collection of methods, practices, procedures and rules used by those who work in some field.
methodology n. The implementation of such methods etc.
MICROMETHODmicromethod n. (Chemistry) A method of analysis that requires only a very small sample.
MICROMETHOD n. a method (as of microanalysis) that requires only very small quantities of material or that involves the use of the microscope.
NEOORTHODOXNeoorthodox adj. Alternative form of Neo-orthodox.
Neo-orthodox adj. (Christianity, theology) Of or relating to Neo-orthodoxy.
NEOORTHODOX adj. of or relating to a 20th century movement in Protestant theology characterized by a reaction against liberalism and emphasis on various scripturally based Reformation doctrines.
NONORTHODOXnonorthodox adj. Not orthodox.
nonorthodox adj. Not Orthodox.
NONORTHODOX adj. not orthodox.
ORTHODONTIAorthodontia n. Synonym of orthodontics.
ORTHODONTIA n. the rectification of crookedness in the teeth, also ORTHODONTICS.
ORTHODONTICorthodontic adj. Of, or relating to the dental speciality of orthodontics.
ORTHODONTIC adj. relating to orthodontics, the rectification of crookedness in the teeth.
ORTHODOXIESorthodoxies n. Plural of orthodoxy.
ORTHODOXY n. the state of being orthodox.
ORTHODROMICorthodromic adj. Of or relating to a means of navigation by following an arc of the great circle corresponding to the…
orthodromic adj. (Of neurons) Passing along neurological impulses in a normal (expected) direction.
ORTHODROMIC adj. having great circles represented as straight lines.
PNEUMATHODEPNEUMATHODE n. a band or pore or aerating tissue, esp. along the stipes of ferns.
UNORTHODOXYunorthodoxy n. Lack of orthodoxy; the quality or state of being unorthodox.
UNORTHODOXY n. the state of being unorthodox.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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