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There are 17 ten-letter words containing TURB

DISTURBANTdisturbant adj. (Archaic) disturbing.
disturbant n. (Archaic) Something that disturbs.
DISTURBANT adj. disturbing.
DISTURBERSdisturbers n. Plural of disturber.
DISTURBER n. something that disturbs.
DISTURBINGdisturbing adj. Causing distress or worry; upsetting or unsettling.
disturbing v. Present participle of disturb.
DISTURB v. to interrupt the quiet, rest, or peace of.
MASTURBATEmasturbate v. (Intransitive) To stimulate oneself sexually, especially by use of one’s hand or a sex toy made for…
masturbate v. (Transitive, colloquial) To stimulate someone else sexually without penetration of the penis.
masturbate v. (Informal, derogatory) To stimulate or please oneself by means of anything, not necessarily sexual…
PERTURBANTperturbant n. Anything that causes perturbation.
PERTURBANT n. anything that perturbs.
PERTURBATEperturbate v. (Transitive, dated) To perturb.
PERTURBATE v. to perturb.
PERTURBERSperturbers n. Plural of perturber.
PERTURBER n. one who, or that which, perturbs.
PERTURBINGperturbing v. Present participle of perturb.
PERTURB v. to disturb greatly.
TURBIDITESturbidites n. Plural of turbidite.
TURBIDITE n. the sediment deposited by a turbidity current.
TURBIDNESSturbidness n. The state or condition of being turbid.
TURBIDNESS n. the state of being turbid.
TURBINATEDturbinated adj. Turbinate in form; top-shaped.
turbinated adj. (Obsolete) Designating motion like that of a top; gyrating, whirling.
TURBINATED adj. scroll-like, also TURBINATE.
TURBINATESturbinates n. Plural of turbinate.
TURBINATE n. a scroll-like bone of the nose.
TURBOPROPSturboprops n. Plural of turboprop.
TURBOPROP n. a jet engine in which the turbine is coupled to a propeller.
TURBOSHAFTturboshaft n. A gas-turbine engine designed to transmit power by means of a geared shaft, used in helicopters and…
TURBOSHAFT n. a kind of gas turbine engine.
TURBULATORturbulator n. A device that turns a laminar flow into a turbulent flow.
TURBULATOR n. a device which creates turbulence.
TURBULENCEturbulence n. (Uncountable) The state or fact of being turbulent or agitated; tempestuousness, disturbance.
turbulence n. (Uncountable) Disturbance in a gas or fluid, characterized by evidence of internal motion or unrest.
turbulence n. (Uncountable, aviation) Specifically, a state of agitation or disturbance in the air which is disruptive…
TURBULENCYturbulency n. Archaic form of turbulence.
TURBULENCY n. the state of being turbulent, also TURBULENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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