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There are 10 ten-letter words containing TREL

CENTRELESScentreless adj. Alternative spelling of centerless.
CENTRELESS adj. having no centre.
CENTRELINEcentreline n. (British spelling) Alternative form of centerline.
CENTRELINE n. an often imaginary line that divides a body into two equal halves, also CENTERLINE.
LUSTRELESSlustreless adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative spelling of lusterless.
LUSTRELESS adj. without lustre, also LUSTERLESS.
MINSTRELSYminstrelsy n. The musical and other art and craft of a minstrel.
minstrelsy n. A group of minstrels.
minstrelsy n. Any similar modern group performing song and verse.
OTTRELITESottrelites n. Plural of ottrelite.
OTTRELITE n. a mineral like chlorite but harder.
OUTRELIEFSOUTRELIEF n. outdoor relief.
PIPISTRELSpipistrels n. Plural of pipistrel.
PIPISTREL n. a small reddish-brown bat, also PIPISTRELLE.
STRELITZESStrelitzes n. Plural of Strelitz.
STRELITZ n. (Russian) a soldier of the ancient Muscovite guard or Russian standing army.
STRELITZIAstrelitzia n. Any of several flowering plants of the genus Strelitzia.
STRELITZIA n. a plant of the South African genus Strelitzia, of the banana family, with large showy flowers.
TRELLISINGtrellising v. Present participle of trellis.
TRELLIS v. to supply with a frame for climbing plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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