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There are 11 ten-letter words containing TONO

AUTONOMICSautonomics n. (Computing) The use of self-correcting software systems that automatically detect and fix certain types…
AUTONOMICS n. the study of self-regulating systems for process control.
AUTONOMIESautonomies n. Plural of autonomy.
AUTONOMY n. self-government.
AUTONOMISTautonomist n. An advocate of autonomy or autonomism.
AUTONOMIST n. one who practises autonomy.
AUTONOMOUSautonomous adj. Self-governing. Intelligent, sentient, self-aware, thinking, feeling, governing independently.
autonomous adj. Acting on one’s own or independently; of a child, acting without being governed by parental or guardian rules.
autonomous adj. (Celtic linguistics, of a verb form) Used with no subject, indicating an unknown or unspecified agent;…
GLUTTONOUSgluttonous adj. Given to excessive eating; prone to overeating.
gluttonous adj. Greedy.
GLUTTONOUS adj. marked by or given to gluttony.
HOMOTONOUShomotonous adj. Of the same tenor or tone; equable; without variation.
HOMOTONOUS adj. of the same tenor or tone, also HOMOTONIC.
MONOTONOUSmonotonous adj. Having an unvarying pitch or tone.
monotonous adj. Tedious, repetitious, or lacking in variety.
MONOTONOUS adj. uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone.
PHOTONOVELphotonovel n. A story illustrated with photographs and text captions.
PHOTONOVEL n. a novel in the form of a series of photographs with speech balloons.
TONOMETERStonometers n. Plural of tonometer.
TONOMETER n. an instrument used to measure the pitch of musical tones.
TONOMETRICtonometric adj. Of or pertaining to tonometry.
TONOMETRIC adj. relating to a tonometer, an instrument used to measure the pitch of musical tones.
TONOPLASTStonoplasts n. Plural of tonoplast.
TONOPLAST n. a semipermeable membrane surrounding a plant vacuole.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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