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There are 12 ten-letter words containing TIUM

CERASTIUMScerastiums n. Plural of cerastium.
CERASTIUM n. any low ground-covering plant of the genus Cerastium, that includes the alpine mouse-ear chickweed.
CONSORTIUMconsortium n. An association or combination of businesses, financial institutions, or investors, for the purpose of…
consortium n. A similar arrangement among non-commercial institutions or organizations.
consortium n. An association or society.
HELVETIUMSHELVETIUM n. a superseded name for the element astatine.
JOLIOTIUMSJOLIOTIUM n. a former name for the element dubnium.
NASTURTIUMnasturtium n. The popular name of any of the plants in the Tropaeolum genus of flowering plants native to south and central America.
nasturtium n. A plant in this genus, Tropaeolum majus.
nasturtium n. Any of the plants in the genus, Nasturtium, that includes watercress.
PANARITIUMpanaritium n. (Medicine) The purulent inflammation of a digit.
PANARITIUM n. a whitlow.
PANCRATIUMpancratium n. (Historical) An ancient athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
pancratium n. (Botany) Any of the genus Pancratium of African and Eurasian perennial, herbaceous and bulbous plants…
PANCRATIUM n. an athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
SCLEROTIUMsclerotium n. (Mycology) A compact mass of hardened mycelium stored with reserve food material that, in some higher…
SCLEROTIUM n. a hardened body formed by certain fungi, such as by the Claviceps purpurea, which produces ergot.
SESTERTIUMsestertium n. (Historical) A money of account equal to 1000 sestertii.
SESTERTIUM n. (Latin) a Roman money of account equal to 1000 sesterces.
SPERMATIUMspermatium n. One of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.
SPERMATIUM n. one of the motionless spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi.
STRONTIUMSstrontiums n. Plural of strontium.
STRONTIUM n. a metallic element of the calcium group.
TECHNETIUMtechnetium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Tc) with an atomic number of 43.
TECHNETIUM n. a chemical element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 21 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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