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There are 11 ten-letter words containing TINC

DISTINCTERdistincter adj. Comparative form of distinct: more distinct.
DISTINCT adj. clearly different.
DISTINCTLYdistinctly adv. In a distinct manner.
DISTINCT adv. clearly different.
EXTINCTINGextincting v. Present participle of extinct.
EXTINCT v. to extinguish.
EXTINCTIONextinction n. The action of making or becoming extinct; annihilation.
extinction n. (Astronomy) The absorption or scattering of electromagnetic radiation emitted by astronomical objects…
extinction n. (Pathology) The inability to perceive multiple stimuli simultaneously.
EXTINCTIVEextinctive adj. Tending or serving to extinguish, or make extinct.
EXTINCTIVE adj. tending to extinguish.
EXTINCTUREextincture n. (Obsolete) extinction.
EXTINCTURE n. (Shakespeare) extinction.
INDISTINCTindistinct adj. (Of an image etc) not clearly defined or not having a sharp outline; faint or dim.
indistinct adj. (Of a thought, idea etc) hazy or vague.
indistinct adj. (Of speech) difficult to understand through being muffled or slurred.
INTINCTIONintinction n. The act of steeping or soaking the bread (or ’body’ of Christ) in the wine (or ’blood’ of Christ) so…
intinction n. (Obsolete) The act of tingeing or dyeing.
INTINCTION n. a mode of administering communion by dipping bread into wine.
PRATINCOLEpratincole n. Any of several species of birds in the genera Glareola or Stiltia of the family Glareolidae.
PRATINCOLE n. a bird related to the plovers, with swallow-like wings and tail.
TINCTORIALtinctorial adj. Of or relating to tincture (dye or colour).
TINCTORIAL adj. of or relating to dyeing.
TINCTURINGtincturing adj. Having the effect of colouring or staining with a dye or pigment.
tincturing n. Gerund of tincture.
tincturing v. Present participle of tincture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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