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There are 18 ten-letter words containing TENO

ARYTENOIDSarytenoids n. Plural of arytenoid.
ARYTENOID n. one of a pair of cartilages or muscles of the larynx, also ARYTAENOID.
CAROTENOIDcarotenoid n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of yellow to red organic pigments including the carotenes and xanthophylls.
carotenoid adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or relating to such a class of pigments.
CAROTENOID n. any of a group of pigments similar to carotenes, found in plant and some animal tissues, also CAROTINOID.
CTENOPHOREctenophore n. Any of various marine animals of the phylum Ctenophora, having lucent, mucilaginous bodies bearing eight…
CTENOPHORE n. a member of the Ctenophora, transparent, free-swimming marine organisms resembling jellyfishes, also CTENOPHORAN.
RESTENOSESrestenoses n. Plural of restenosis.
RESTENOSISrestenosis n. (Pathology) The recurrence of stenosis, especially that of an artery.
STENOBATHSSTENOBATH n. a stenobathic organism.
STENOGRAPHstenograph n. A production of stenography; anything written in shorthand.
stenograph n. A shorthand character.
stenograph n. A stenography machine.
STENOPAEICstenopaeic adj. (Optics) Pertaining to a narrow opening or slit in an opaque barrier that restricts the light which reaches the eye.
STENOPAEIC adj. of spectacles, optical instruments, etc., having a narrow slit or aperture; designating such a slit, also STENOPAIC.
STENOTHERMstenotherm n. (Biology) An organism, often specifically an ectotherm, that functions only within a narrow temperature range.
STENOTHERM n. an organism capable of surviving over only a narrow range of temperatures.
STENOTOPICstenotopic adj. (Ecology) Able to tolerate or adapt to only a small range of environmental conditions.
STENOTOPIC adj. able to adapt only to a small range of environmental conditions, also STENOTROPIC.
STENOTYPEDstenotyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of stenotype.
STENOTYPE v. to record speech using a stenotype.
STENOTYPERSTENOTYPER n. one who does stenotypy, also STENOTYPIST.
STENOTYPESstenotypes n. Plural of stenotype.
STENOTYPE n. a form of typewriter used for recording speech in phonetic form.
STENOTYPICstenotypic adj. Alternative form of stenotypical.
STENOTYPIC adj. relating to a stenotype.
SYNTENOSESSYNTENOSIS n. the connection of bones by tendons.
SYNTENOSISSYNTENOSIS n. the connection of bones by tendons.
TENOTOMIEStenotomies n. Plural of tenotomy.
TENOTOMY n. the surgical division of a tendon.
TENOTOMISTtenotomist n. One who carries out a tenotomy.
TENOTOMIST n. one who surgically cuts tendons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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