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There are 17 ten-letter words containing TEME

ABATEMENTSabatements n. Plural of abatement.
ABATEMENT n. a diminution; a mark of dishonour added to heraldic arms.
BATTEMENTSbattements n. Plural of battement.
BATTEMENT n. (French) a movement in ballet, in which one leg is extended to the rear, side and front.
DEBATEMENTdebatement n. Controversy; deliberation; debate.
DEBATEMENT n. (obsolete) controversy.
DENOTEMENTdenotement n. A sign, indication.
DENOTEMENT n. (Shakespeare) a sign, indication.
DEVOTEMENTdevotement n. The state of being devoted, or set apart by a vow.
DEVOTEMENT n. (archaic) the state of being devoted, or set apart by a vow.
EXCITEMENTexcitement n. (Uncountable) the state of being excited (emotionally aroused).
excitement n. (Countable) something that excites.
EXCITEMENT n. something that excites or rouses.
INCITEMENTincitement n. A call to act; encouragement to act, often in an illegal fashion.
INCITEMENT n. the act of inciting.
INDITEMENTinditement n. The act of inditing or composing; composition.
INDITEMENT n. composition, the act of inditing.
INTEMERATEintemerate adj. (Rare) pure, undefiled, chaste.
INTEMERATE adj. pure, unspoiled.
INVITEMENTinvitement n. (Obsolete) invitation; allurement; temptation.
INVITEMENT n. an invitation.
RATEMETERSratemeters n. Plural of ratemeter.
RATEMETER n. an instrument for measuring the counting rate of electronic counters.
REBATEMENTrebatement n. A rebate (discount or partial refund).
REBATEMENT n. abatement; reduction; discount.
SEMANTEMESsemantemes n. Plural of semanteme (lexical unit).
SEMANTEME n. an irreducible linguistic unit of meaning.
STATEMENTSstatements n. Plural of statement.
STATEMENT v. to take a statement.
TAPOTEMENTtapotement n. (Massage) A form of massage involving hitting the body with various parts of one’s hand.
TAPOTEMENT n. (French) the use of light taps in massage.
TEMERITIEStemerities n. Plural of temerity.
TEMERITY n. foolish boldness.
TEMEROUSLYtemerously adv. (Obsolete) Recklessly.
TEMEROUS adv. rashly or presumptuously daring, also TEMERARIOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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