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There are 17 nine-letter words containing TOE

AUTOECISMautoecism n. (Ecology, of a parasite or dependent organism) The fact of completing an entire life cycle on a single host species.
autoecism n. (Botany, of a plant) The fact of having male and female reproductive organs on the same individual plant.
AUTOECISM n. the development of the entire life cycle of a parasite on a single host, also AUTECISM.
CORANTOEScorantoes n. Plural of coranto.
CORANTO n. (Italian) a rapid and lively dance.
HAMMERTOEhammertoe n. (Uncountable) A medical condition where a toe is permanently bent down.
hammertoe n. (Countable) A toe suffering from such condition.
hammer␣toe n. A deformity of the second, third, or fourth toe causing it to be permanently bent at the first joint…
IMPASTOEDimpastoed adj. (Painting) Painted with an impasto.
impastoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of impasto.
IMPASTOED adj. with impasto applied.
MEMENTOESmementoes n. (Rare) plural of memento.
MEMENTO n. (Latin) something kept or given as a reminder, also MOMENTO.
MISLETOESmisletoes n. Plural of misletoe.
MISLETOE n. (obsolete) mistletoe.
MISTLETOEmistletoe n. (Countable, uncountable) Any of numerous hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales with…
mistletoe n. (Uncountable) A sprig of one such plant used as a Christmas decoration, associated with the custom that…
mistle-toe n. (Obsolete or rare) Alternative spelling of mistletoe.
MOMENTOESmomentoes n. Plural of momento.
MOMENTO n. something kept or given as a reminder, also MEMENTO.
PETTITOESpettitoes n. The toes or feet of a pig, often used as food.
PETTITOES n. pigs' feet as food.
PUSSYTOESpussytoes n. Any of several species of composite flower in the genus Antennaria, known for their clusters of white…
PUSSYTOES n. a genus of composite herbs.
TIPPYTOEDtippytoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tippytoe.
TIPPYTOE v. to walk on the tips of one's toes, also TIPTOE.
TIPPYTOEStippytoes n. Plural of tippytoe.
tippytoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tippytoe.
tippy-toes n. Plural of tippy-toe.
TIPTOEINGtiptoeing v. Present participle of tiptoe.
TIPTOE v. to walk on the tips of one's toes, also TIPPYTOE.
TOENAILEDtoenailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of toenail.
TOENAIL v. to fasten with obliquely driven nails.
TOEPIECEStoepieces n. Plural of toepiece.
TOEPIECE n. a piece on a shoe designed to cover the toes.
TOEPLATEStoeplates n. Plural of toeplate.
TOEPLATE n. a metal tab attached to the tip of a shoe.
TOERAGGERTOERAGGER n. a tramp; a despicable person, also TOERAG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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