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There are 12 nine-letter words containing TAE

ASPIRATAEASPIRATA n. (Latin) a breathed sound like "ph" or "th".
AZOTAEMIAazotaemia n. Alternative spelling of azotemia.
azotæmia n. Alternative spelling of azotaemia.
AZOTAEMIA n. a less common name for uraemia, the retention of waste materials normally excreted, also AZOTEMIA.
AZOTAEMICazotaemic adj. Alternative spelling of azotemic.
AZOTAEMIC adj. relating to azotaemia, an excess of nitrogen in the blood, also AZOTEMIC.
BALLISTAEballistae n. Plural of ballista.
ballistæ n. Plural of ballista.
BALLISTA n. (Latin) a Roman machine for throwing projectiles, also BALISTA.
HETAERISMhetaerism n. A theoretical early state of human society (as postulated by 19th-century anthropologists) which was…
hetaerism n. An Ancient Greek custom according to which a man’s wife was forbidden to accompany him to many public…
hetærism n. Obsolete typography of hetaerism.
HETAERISThetaerist n. A practitioner or advocate of hetaerism.
HETAERIST n. an advocate of hetaerism, concubinage, also HETAIRIST.
LAVOLTAEDLAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
PLACENTAEplacentae n. Plural of placenta.
PLACENTA n. (Latin) a round flat spongy vascular organ to which the foetus of most mammals is attached by the umbilical cord.
SUBCOSTAEsubcostae n. Plural of subcosta.
SUBCOSTA n. the vein on an insect's wing.
TAEKWONDOtaekwondo n. A martial arts form from Korea, known for its elaborate kicking techniques. The sparring aspect is a…
tae␣kwon␣do n. Alternative spelling of taekwondo.
TAEKWONDO n. (Korean) a Korean martial art.
TAENIASEStaeniases n. Plural of taeniasis.
TAENIASIS n. infestation with tapeworms.
TAENIASIStaeniasis n. (Pathology) An infection of tapeworms of the genus Taenia that does not usually cause any disease.
tæniasis n. Obsolete form of taeniasis.
TAENIASIS n. infestation with tapeworms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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