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There are 17 eight-letter words containing TSH

GIFTSHOPgiftshop n. Alternative form of gift shop.
gift␣shop n. A shop connected to a monument, sight, or museum or other place of interest, which sells products related…
GIFTSHOP n. a shop selling presents.
HOTSHOTShotshots n. Plural of hotshot.
hot␣shots n. Plural of hot shot.
HOTSHOT n. an important or exceptionally able person.
NUTSHELLnutshell n. The shell that surrounds the kernel of a nut.
nutshell n. A short book summarizing an area of law.
nutshell n. (Nautical) A small boat; a boat considered small in comparison to the seas.
OUTSHAMEoutshame v. (Transitive) To be more shameful than.
OUTSHAME v. to surpass in shaming.
OUTSHINEoutshine v. To shine brighter than something else.
outshine v. To exceed something or someone else, especially in an obvious or flamboyant manner.
outshine v. (Literary) To shine forth. (clarification of this definition is needed)
OUTSHONEoutshone v. Simple past tense and past participle of outshine.
OUTSHINE v. to shine brighter than.
OUTSHOOToutshoot v. (Sports, US) To score more goals than the other side in a goal sport such as hockey or soccer.
outshoot v. (Transitive) To fire a gun more accurately than.
out-shoot v. Alternative form of outshoot.
OUTSHOTSoutshots n. Plural of outshot.
outshots n. Rags from the paper-making process, of lesser quality than fines.
OUTSHOT n. (Scots) a projection in a building or a recess made in the wall of a room.
OUTSHOUToutshout v. (Transitive) To shout louder or longer than.
outshout v. (Transitive, figurative) To gain more attention than.
OUTSHOUT v. to shout louder than.
PEATSHIPPEATSHIP n. the state of being a peat, a lawyer allegedly under the patronage of a particular judge.
POETSHIPpoetship n. The state or character of a poet.
POETSHIP n. the state or personality of a poet.
POSTSHOWpostshow adj. Occurring after the end of a show.
POSTSHOW adj. following a show.
POTSHARDpotshard n. Alternative form of potsherd.
POTSHARD n. a fragment of broken pottery, also POTSHERD, POTSHARE.
POTSHAREpotshare n. Obsolete form of potsherd.
POTSHARE n. a fragment of broken pottery, also POTSHERD, POTSHARD.
POTSHERDpotsherd n. (Often archaeology) A piece of ceramic from pottery, often found on an archaeological site.
pot-sherd n. Alternative form of potsherd.
POTSHERD n. a fragment of broken pottery, also POTSHARD, POTSHARE.
POTSHOPSpotshops n. Plural of potshop.
pot␣shops n. Plural of pot shop.
POTSHOP n. a small public house.
POTSHOTSpotshots n. Plural of potshot.
pot␣shots n. Plural of pot shot.
POTSHOT v. to shoot randomly at.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 120 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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