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There are 15 eight-letter words containing TOD

AUTODIALautodial n. A feature in computer software, etc. that dials a telephone number automatically.
autodial v. To dial automatically.
AUTODIAL v. to dial a telephone number automatically.
AUTODYNEautodyne n. (Radio, historical) A circuit that improved radio signal amplification by means of an audion.
AUTODYNE n. a type of electrical circuit.
CESTODEScestodes n. Plural of cestode.
CESTODE n. any parasitic flatworm of the class Cestoda, that includes tapeworms.
CUSTODEScustodes n. Plural of custode.
custodes n. Plural of custos.
CUSTODE n. a person who has care such as of a public building, also CUSTODIAN, CUSTODIER.
ECTODERMectoderm n. (Biology) Outermost of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through development…
ECTODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also EXODERM.
ENTODERMentoderm n. (Biology) Alternative form of endoderm.
ENTODERM n. the innermost layer of embryo, also ENDODERM.
MASTODONmastodon n. Extinct elephant-like mammal of the genus Mammut that flourished worldwide from Miocene through Pleistocene…
mastodon n. (Figurative) Anything big or clunky.
Mastodon prop.n. (Social media) A decentralized microblogging platform, part of the Fediverse.
NEMATODEnematode n. (Zoology) A worm of the large phylum Nematoda, such as a roundworm or threadworm.
NEMATODE n. a parasitic worm with an unsegmented, cylindrical body.
PENTODESpentodes n. Plural of pentode.
PENTODE n. a type of electron tube.
STODGERSstodgers n. Plural of stodger.
Stodgers prop.n. Plural of Stodger.
Stodgers prop.n. A surname.
STODGIERstodgier adj. Comparative form of stodgy: more stodgy.
STODGY adj. boring.
STODGILYstodgily adv. In a stodgy manner.
STODGY adv. boring.
STODGINGstodging v. Present participle of stodge.
STODGE v. to stuff full of food.
TODDLERStoddlers n. Plural of toddler.
TODDLER n. a young child.
TODDLINGtoddling v. Present participle of toddle.
toddling n. The unsteady walking of a child.
TODDLE v. to walk unsteadily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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