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There are 14 eight-letter words containing TOA

HOPTOADSHOPTOAD n. a kind of toad.
TOADFISHtoadfish n. Any fish thought to resemble a toad.
TOADFISH n. a toadlike marine fish.
TOADFLAXtoadflax n. Any of several European plants, of the genus Linaria, having two-lipped yellow flowers.
toadflax n. Any of several other plants in the family Plantaginaceae.
TOADFLAX n. a plant of the figwort family, resembling a snapdragon.
TOADLESStoadless adj. Without a toad or toads.
TOADLESS adj. having no toads.
TOADLETStoadlets n. Plural of toadlet.
TOADLET n. a small toad.
TOADLIKEtoadlike adj. Similar to, or resembling, a toad.
toad-like adj. Alternative form of toadlike.
TOADLIKE adj. like a toad.
TOADRUSHtoadrush n. Alternative form of toad rush.
toad␣rush n. Juncus bufonius, a common species of rush found worldwide, growing in moist and muddy places.
TOADRUSH n. a kind of low rush, also TOADGRASS.
TOADYINGtoadying v. Present participle of toady.
TOADYING n. acting sycophantically.
TOADYISHtoadyish adj. Sycophantic; fawning.
TOADYISH adj. characteristic of one who toadies.
TOADYISMtoadyism n. Sycophancy; fawning, obsequious behavior.
TOADYISM n. toadyish behaviour.
TOASTERStoasters n. Plural of toaster.
TOASTER n. a device for toasting.
TOASTIERtoastier adj. Comparative form of toasty: more toasty.
TOASTY adj. like toast, comfortably warm.
TOASTIEStoasties n. Plural of toastie.
toasties n. Plural of toasty.
TOASTIE n. (colloquial) a toasted sandwich, also TOASTY.
TOASTINGtoasting v. Present participle of toast.
toasting n. The action of making a toast (celebratory call to drink).
toasting n. The heating of oak panels used to make wine barrels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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