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There are 16 eight-letter words containing TEG

BOTTEGASbottegas n. Plural of bottega.
BOTTEGA n. (Italian) a wineshop.
CATEGORYcategory n. A group, often named or numbered, to which items are assigned based on similarity or defined criteria.
category n. (Mathematics) A collection of objects, together with a transitively closed collection of composable…
CATEGORY n. a division in any system of classification.
CORTEGEScorteges n. Plural of cortege.
cortèges n. Plural of cortège.
CORTEGE n. (French) a train of attendants; a procession.
INTEGERSintegers n. (Mathematics) plural of integer.
integers n. (Mathematics) The set of all integers; the set {... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ...}.
INTEGER n. a whole number.
INTEGRALintegral adj. Constituting a whole together with other parts or factors; not omittable or removable.
integral adj. (Mathematics) Of, pertaining to, or being an integer.
integral adj. (Mathematics) Relating to integration.
INTEGRINintegrin n. (Biochemistry) Any of many heterodimeric transmembrane proteins that function as receptors in communication…
INTEGRIN n. any of a superfamily of cell surface proteins that bind to components of the extracellular matrix, facilitating the cell adhesion and signalling.
PROTEGEEprotegee n. Alternative spelling of protégée.
protégée n. A female protégé.
PROTEGEE n. (French) one (female) who is looked after or sponsored by another.
PROTEGESproteges n. Plural of protege.
protegés n. Plural of protegé.
protégés n. Plural of protégé.
STEGODONstegodon n. (Zoology) Any member of the extinct genus Stegodon, related to modern elephants; a stegodont.
STEGODON n. an extinct mammal with ridged teeth, also STEGODONT.
STRATEGYstrategy n. (Uncountable) The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of warfare.
strategy n. (Countable) A plan of action intended to accomplish a specific goal.
strategy n. (Uncountable) The act of strategizing; the development of effective strategies.
TEGMENTAtegmenta n. Plural of tegmentum.
TEGMENTUM n. (Latin) a scale protecting a bud.
TEGMINALtegminal adj. Relating to a tegmen.
TEGMINAL adj. relating to a tegmen, the inner covering of a seed.
TEGUEXINteguexin n. (Zoology) A large South American lizard with yellowish spots; a gold tegu.
TEGUEXIN n. (Aztec) a large black and yellow South American lizard, also TEGU.
TEGUMENTtegument n. Something which covers; a covering or coating.
tegument n. (Anatomy, obsolete) A natural covering of the body or of a bodily organ; an integument.
TEGUMENT n. the natural covering of an animal or plant body.
TEGUMINATEGUMEN n. (Latin) the inner covering of a seed, also TEGMEN.
UROSTEGEurostege n. (Zoology) One of the plates on the underside of a snake’s tail.
UROSTEGE n. (Greek) a snake's ventral tail-plate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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