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There are 17 eight-letter words containing TAW

CASTAWAYcastaway adj. Cast adrift or ashore; marooned.
castaway adj. Shipwrecked.
castaway adj. Cast out; rejected or excluded from a group.
CATAWBAScatawbas n. Plural of catawba.
Catawbas n. Plural of Catawba.
CATAWBA n. a well known light red variety of American grape; a red wine made from it.
CHOCTAWSChoctaws n. Plural of Choctaw.
CHOCTAW n. (Native American) a type of skating movement.
CUTAWAYScutaways n. Plural of cutaway.
cut-aways n. Plural of cut-away.
CUTAWAY n. a type of coat.
GETAWAYSgetaways n. Plural of getaway.
GETAWAY n. an escape.
HUNTAWAYhuntaway n. Alternative letter-case form of Huntaway.
Huntaway n. The New Zealand sheepdog.
HUNTAWAY n. a dog trained to drive sheep at some distance from the shepherd.
RINGTAWSRINGTAW n. a game of marbles.
TAWDRIERtawdrier adj. Comparative form of tawdry: more tawdry.
TAWDRY adj. cheap, trashy.
TAWDRIEStawdries n. Plural of tawdry.
TAWDRY n. trumpery, tawdry-lace.
TAWDRILYtawdrily adv. In a tawdry manner.
TAWDRY adv. cheap, trashy.
TAWERIEStaweries n. Plural of tawery.
TAWERY n. a place where skins are dressed.
TAWHIRISTAWHIRI n. (Maori) a small New Zealand tree with wavy glossy dark green leaves.
TAWNIESTtawniest adj. Superlative form of tawny: most tawny.
TAWNY adj. orange-brown, also TAWNEY.
TAWTIESTTAWTIE adj. (Scots) matted, tangled.
THATAWAYthataway adv. (Humorous or dialect) that way (usually in terms of physical direction).
that-a-way adv. Alternative form of thataway (“that way”).
THATAWAY adv. in that direction.
WANTAWAYwantaway n. Alternative spelling of want-away.
wantaway adj. Alternative spelling of want-away.
want-away adj. (Of a professional sportsperson, usually an association footballer) who wants to move to another club.
WHITTAWSwhittaws n. Plural of whittaw.
WHITTAW n. (dialect) a saddler or harness-maker; a maker of white leather, also WHITTAWER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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