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There are 17 seven-letter words containing TUP

DUSTUPSdustups n. Plural of dustup.
dust-ups n. Plural of dust-up.
DUSTUP n. a to-do, a quarrel.
OCTUPLEoctuple adj. Eightfold.
octuple n. An eightfold amount or number.
octuple v. (Intransitive) To increase eightfold.
OCTUPLYoctuply adv. In an eightfold manner.
OCTUPLE adv. eightfold.
SCHTUPSschtups v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of schtup.
SCHTUP v. (Yiddish) to have sexual intercourse with, also SHTUP.
STARTUPstartup n. The act or process of starting a process or machine.
startup n. A new company or organization or business venture designed for rapid growth.
startup n. (Computing, often capitalized) A folder (especially in Windows), containing shortcuts of applications…
STUPEFYstupefy v. (Transitive) To dull the senses or capacity to think thereby reducing responsiveness; to dazzle or stun.
STUPEFY v. to dull the senses of.
STUPENTstupent adj. (Rare) Struck with stupor; stunned…
STUPENT adj. astounded.
STUPIDSstupids n. Plural of stupid.
stupids n. (Slang, humorous, with definite article) Stupidity; an instance of foolishness.
STUPID n. a stupid person.
STUPINGstuping v. Present participle of stupe.
STUPE v. to treat with a medicated cloth.
STUPORSstupors n. Plural of stupor.
stupors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stupor.
STUPOR n. (Latin) a state of reduced sensibility.
TITTUPStittups n. Plural of tittup.
TITTUP v. to prance, skip about gaily.
TITTUPYtittupy adj. Alternative form of tittuppy.
TITTUPY adj. gay, lively, unsteady, also TITTUPPY, TITUPY.
TITUPEDTITUP v. to prance.
TUPELOStupelos n. Plural of tupelo.
TUPELO n. (Native American) a North American tree of the dogwood family, having brilliant, glossy foliage and acid red berries.
TUPPINGtupping v. Present participle of tup.
TUPPING n. copulation of ram with ewe.
TUPUNAStupunas n. Plural of tupuna.
TUPUNA n. (Maori) an ancestor, also TIPUNA.
TWEETUPtweetup n. A meeting in person organised on the social networking web site Twitter.
TWEETUP n. an online meeting of individuals arranged on the social networking website Twitter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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