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There are 10 seven-letter words containing TDO

CANTDOGcantdog n. Alternative form of cant-dog.
cant-dog n. Synonym of cant hook.
CANTDOG n. a metal hook on a long handle used to move logs, aka peavey, also CANTHOOK.
CUTDOWNcutdown n. (Surgery) An emergency medical procedure in which the vein is exposed and a cannula is inserted into it.
cutdown n. A customized scooter with parts of the bodywork removed or cut away.
cut-down adj. Reduced in size or scope.
HOTDOGShotdogs n. Plural of hotdog.
hotdogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hotdog.
hot-dogs n. Plural of hot-dog.
LETDOWNletdown n. Alternative form of let-down.
let-down n. (Countable) A disappointment or anticlimax.
let-down n. (Countable, uncountable) The neurohormonal release of milk in dairy cows or in breastfeeding human mothers.
OUTDOERoutdoer n. One who, or that which, outdoes.
OUTDOER n. one who outdoes.
OUTDOESoutdoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outdo.
OUTDO v. to exceed in performance.
OUTDONEoutdone v. Past participle of outdo.
OUTDO v. to exceed in performance.
OUTDOORoutdoor adj. Situated in, designed to be used in, or carried on in the open air.
outdoor adj. Pertaining to charity administered or received away from, or independently from, a workhouse or other institution.
outdoor v. (In some African communities) To publicly display a child after it has been named.
POSTDOCpostdoc n. (Informal) A postdoctoral academic research position.
postdoc n. (Informal) Someone in such a position.
post-doc n. Alternative form of postdoc.
PUTDOWNputdown n. Alternative spelling of put-down.
put-down n. An insult or barb; a snide or demeaning remark.
put␣down v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see put, down.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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