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There are 16 six-letter words containing TIG

ARTIGIARTIGI n. (Inuit) a kind of parka worn in Canada, also ATIGI.
ATIGISATIGI n. (Inuit) a kind of parka worn in Canada, also ARTIGI.
LATIGOlatigo n. A strap used to tighten a cinch.
LATIGO n. (Spanish) a strap used to fasten a saddle.
STIGMAstigma n. A mark of infamy or disgrace.
stigma n. A scar or birthmark.
stigma n. (Christianity, chiefly in the plural stigmata) A mark on the body corresponding to one of the wounds…
STIGMEstigme n. (Obsolete, rare) Anglicised form of stigma.
stigme n. A dot used as a punctuation mark in historical Greek texts, especially at the top of the line, equivalent…
STIGME n. (Greek) a dot used as a punctuation mark.
TIGERStigers n. Plural of tiger.
Tigers n. Plural of Tiger.
Tigers n. (Cricket) The Bangladesh national cricket team.
TIGERYtigery adj. (Colloquial) Resembling a tiger, or an aspect of tigers.
TIGERY adj. like a tiger.
TIGGEDTIG v. to touch.
TIGGERTigger n. An overly enthusiastic or energetic person, often characterized by bouncing.
Tigger n. (Informal, UK politics) A member of The Independent Group for Change, a pro-European British political…
TIGGER v. to damage (electronic equipment) beyond repair, esp. as a result of tinkering.
TIGHTStights n. (UK) A close-fitting, sheer or non-sheer skin-tight garment worn principally by women and girls that…
tights n. (Dance) A similar, non-sheer garment worn by dancers of either sex, especially by ballet dancers.
tights n. (Wrestling) A garment, similar to briefs, worn chiefly by professional wrestlers.
TIGLICTIGLIC adj. as in tiglic acid.
TIGLONtiglon n. A fertile hybrid cross between a male tiger (Panthera tigris) and a lioness (Panthera leo).
TIGLON n. the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion, also TIGON.
TIGNONtignon n. An article of woman’s headgear consisting of a piece of material tied in individual ways.
TIGNON n. a piece of cloth worn as a headdress in Louisiana.
TIGONStigons n. Plural of tigon.
TIGON n. the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion, also TIGLON.
ZAFTIGzaftig adj. (US, colloquial, of a woman) Having a plump and sexually attractive figure; voluptuous, well-proportioned; large.
ZAFTIG adj. (Yiddish) having a full rounded figure, pleasingly plump, also ZOFTIG.
ZOFTIGzoftig adj. Alternative spelling of zaftig.
ZOFTIG adj. (Yiddish) having a full rounded figure, pleasingly plump, also ZAFTIG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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