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There are 8 five-letter words containing TUL

KITULKITUL n. (Sinhalese) the jaggery palm; a fibre obtained from the leafstalks of this, used for making ropes, brushes, etc., also KITTUL.
STULLstull n. (UK, dialect, mining) A framework of timber covered with boards to support rubbish or to protect miners…
stull n. Any timber prop to support a structure.
STULL n. a supporting timber in a mine.
STULMstulm n. (UK, dialect) A shaft, conduit, adit, or gallery to drain a mine.
STULM n. an adit or level in a mine.
TULEStules n. Plural of tule.
TULE n. (Nahuatl) a large American bulrush.
TULIPtulip n. A type of flowering plant, genus Tulipa.
tulip n. The flower of this plant.
Tulip prop.n. A surname.
TULLEtulle n. A kind of silk lace or light netting, used for clothing, veils, etc.
Tulle prop.n. A town, the capital of the Corrèze department, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.
TULLE n. (French) a sheer and delicate thin silk.
TULPAtulpa n. (Buddhism, mysticism) A magical creature that attains corporeal reality, having been originally merely imaginary.
tulpa n. A type of thoughtform capable of independent action, with a persistent personality and identity; a kind…
TULPA n. (Tibetan) a being or object created by willpower and visualization techniques.
TULSItulsi n. Holy basil, Ocimum tenuiflorum.
Tulsi prop.n. A female given name from Hindi.
TULSI n. (Hindi) a type of basil, a sacred plant in Hindu belief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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