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There are 9 five-letter words containing TTO

CUTTOcutto n. Alternative form of cuttoe.
CUTTO n. a large knife, also CUTTOE.
DATTOdatto n. A local headman in many parts of central Malaysia and the southern Philippines.
Datto prop.n. A town in Arkansas.
DATTO n. (Malay) a Philippine tribal chief, also DATO.
DITTOditto n. That which was stated before, the aforesaid, the above, the same, likewise.
ditto n. (US, informal) A duplicate or copy of a document, particularly one created by a spirit duplicator.
ditto n. (By extension) A copy; an imitation.
LOTTOlotto n. A game of chance similar to bingo.
lotto n. A lottery.
LOTTO n. a game played by covering on a card each number drawn till a line of numbers is completed, also LOTO.
MOTTOmotto n. (Heraldry) A sentence, phrase, or word, forming part of an heraldic achievement.
motto n. A sentence, phrase, or word, prefixed to an essay, discourse, chapter, canto, or the like, suggestive…
motto n. (Obsolete) A paper packet containing a sweetmeat, cracker, etc., together with a scrap of paper bearing a motto.
OTTOSottos n. Plural of otto.
OTTO n. (Persian) a fragrant essential oil made from the damask rose, also ATTAR, OTTAR.
PETTOpetto n. Only used in in petto.
PETTO n. (Italian) breast, as in the phrase in petto, in one's secret thoughts.
POTTOpotto n. A small primate, Perodicticus potto, native to the tropical rainforests of Africa.
potto n. (Now rare) The kinkajou.
Potto prop.n. A village in North Yorkshire.
PUTTOputto n. (Art) A representation, especially in Renaissance or Baroque art, of a small, naked, often winged (usually…
put␣to v. To ask or pose a question, or make a proposal or suggestion.
PUTTO n. (Italian) an artistic representation of a cherub.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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