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There are 17 five-letter words containing TOL

ATOLLatoll n. A type of island consisting of a ribbon reef that nearly or entirely surrounds a lagoon and supports…
ATOLL n. a coral island consisting of a reef surrounding a lagoon.
EXTOLextol v. To praise; to make high.
EXTOL v. to praise highly, also EXTOLL.
KETOLketol n. (Organic chemistry) A hydroxyketone (e.g., an acyloin).
KETOL n. one of a series of complex nitrogenous substances, represented by methyl ketol and related to indol.
METOLmetol n. (Chemistry, photography) The sulphate of 4-methylaminophenol, used as a photographic developer.
METOL n. a coal tar derivative used in developing pictures.
SOTOLsotol n. Any of several species of North American desert plants of the genus Dasylirion, of the asparagus family.
sotol n. A distilled spirit made from the sap of some of these plants, especially Dasylirion wheeleri.
SOTOL n. (Nahuatl) any of several desert plants of the agave family, native to southwestern North America.
STOLEstole v. Simple past tense of steal.
stole v. (Now colloquial or archaic) past participle of steal.
stole n. A garment consisting of a decorated band worn on the back of the neck, each end hanging over the chest…
STOLNstoln v. (Poetic) Obsolete form of stolen.
STOLN adj. (Milton) stolen.
TOLANTolan prop.n. A surname.
TOLAN n. a white crystalline derivative of acetylene, also TOLANE.
TOLARtolar n. (Historical) A state currency formerly used by the Republic of Slovenia between 1991 and 2006, divided…
Tolar prop.n. A surname.
TOLAR n. (Slovene) the standard monetary unit of Slovenia.
TOLAStolas n. Plural of tola.
Tolas prop.n. Plural of Tola.
TOLA n. (Hindi) an Indian unit of weight.
TOLEDtoled v. Past tense of tole.
TOLE v. to lure or decoy.
TOLEStoles n. Plural of tole.
Toles prop.n. A surname.
Toles prop.n. Plural of Tole.
TOLLStolls n. Plural of toll.
tolls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of toll.
TOLL v. to sound, as a large bell does, esp. with slow, measured strokes.
TOLLYTOLLY n. a castrated calf, also TOLLIE.
TOLTStolts n. Plural of tolt.
tölts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tölt.
TOLT n. a kind of writ in Old English law.
TOLUStolus n. Plural of tolu.
TOLU n. a fragrant balsam said to have been first brought from Santiago de Tolu, in New Granada.
TOLYLtolyl n. (Organic chemistry) Any of the three isomeric univalent aromatic radicals derived from toluene.
TOLYL n. a chemical radical derived from toluic acid, also TOLUYL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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