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There are 20 five-letter words containing TEL

ARTELartel n. (Now historical) A Russian or Soviet craftsmen’s collective.
ARTEL n. (Russian) a Russian workers' guild.
BETELbetel n. Either of two plants often used in combination…
betel n. A quid (chewing preparation) containing these and other plant materials; paan.
BETEL n. (Malay) the leaf of the betel-pepper which is chewed in the East along with the areca-nut and lime.
BOTELbotel n. A floating hotel; a boat that acts as a hotel.
BOTEL n. a waterside hotel, catering esp. for boat-owners, also BOATEL.
HOTELhotel n. (Now chiefly historical) A large town house or mansion; a grand private residence, especially in France.
hotel n. An establishment that provides accommodation and other services for paying guests; normally larger than…
hotel n. (South Asia) A restaurant; any dining establishment.
INTELintel n. (Especially espionage and military) intelligence (secret information).
Intel prop.n. Intel Corporation, a US-based multinational corporation that is best known for designing and manufacturing…
INTEL n. military intelligence.
MOTELmotel n. (Also attributive) A type of hotel or lodging establishment, often located near a major highway, which…
motel n. A low-cost short-stay hotel, often with hourly rates rather than daily rates, and notorious for permitting…
motel v. (Informal, intransitive) To stay in a motel or motels.
RATELratel n. Synonym of honey badger.
RATEL n. (South African) an African badger, aka honey-badger.
STELAstela n. (Archaeology) an obelisk or upright stone pillar, usually as a primitive commemoration or gravestone.
STELA n. (Greek) an inscribed slab used as a monument, also STELE.
STELEstele n. (Archaeology) An upright (or formerly upright) slab containing engraved or painted decorations or inscriptions;…
stele n. (Archaeology, uncommon) Any carved or engraved surface.
stele n. (Architecture, archaeology, obsolete) An acroterion, the decoration on the ridge of an ancient Greek…
STELLstell v. (Transitive, UK dialectal, Scotland) To place in position; set up, fix, plant; prop, mount.
stell v. (Transitive, obsolete) To portray; delineate; display.
stell n. (Archaic) A place; station.
TELAEtelae n. Plural of tela.
TELA n. (Latin) a weblike structure.
TELCOtelco n. (Informal) A telecommunications company, a telecom.
TELCO n. (short for) a telecommunications company.
TELESteles n. Plural of tele.
Teles n. Plural of Tele.
TELE n. (short for) television, also TELLY.
TELEXtelex n. A network of teletypes.
telex n. A teletype message sent through such a network.
telex n. A teletype device connected to such a network.
TELIAtelia n. Plural of telium.
TELIUM n. the cluster of spore cases of the rust fungi.
TELICtelic adj. Tending or directed towards a goal or specific end.
telic adj. (Grammar) That expresses an end or purpose.
telic adj. (Linguistics) That expresses the perfective aspect.
TELLStells v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tell.
tells n. Plural of tell.
Tells prop.n. Plural of Tell.
TELLYtelly n. (Colloquial) Television.
telly n. (Colloquial) A television set.
telly n. (US, Canada, chiefly MTE, slang) A hotel or motel.
TELOIteloi n. Plural of telos.
TELOS n. (Greek) an ultimate end.
TELOStelos n. The aim or goal.
TELOS n. (Greek) an ultimate end.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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