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There are 15 five-letter words containing TAI

LITAIlitai n. Plural of litas.
LITAS n. a former monetary unit of Lithuania, also LIT.
MATAImatai n. A Samoan chief.
matai n. A coniferous tree, Prumnopitys taxifolia, endemic to New Zealand.
MATAI n. (Maori) a coniferous evergreen tree of New Zealand, aka black pine.
SATAIsatai n. Alternative spelling of satay.
SATAI n. (Malay) a Malaysian dish of marinated meat barbecued on skewers, also SATAY.
STAIDstaid adj. Not capricious or impulsive; sedate, serious, sober.
staid adj. (Rare) Always fixed in the same location; stationary.
staid v. Obsolete spelling of stayed.
STAIGSTAIG n. a colt or stallion, also STAGGIE.
STAINstain n. A discoloured spot or area.
stain n. A blemish on one’s character or reputation.
stain n. A substance used to soak into a surface and colour it.
STAIRstair n. A single step in a staircase.
stair n. A series of steps; a staircase.
Stair prop.n. A surname.
TAIGAtaiga n. A subarctic zone of evergreen coniferous forests situated south of the tundras and north of the steppes…
Taiga prop.n. A lake in Alaska.
TAIGA n. (Russian) subarctic Siberian evergreen forest.
TAIKOtaiko n. (Sumo) A traditional drum, beaten by yobidashi to announce the beginning of a tournament, and at the end of each day.
taiko n. (Music) A Japanese drum or a performance of several drummers in an ensemble (also called kumi-daiko).
taiko n. The Chatham Island taiko (Pterodroma magentae).
TAILStails n. Plural of tail.
tails n. (Slang) Clipping of tailcoat.
tails n. The side of a coin that doesn’t bear the picture of the head of state or similar.
TAINSTAIN n. paper-thin tin plate; tinfoil used as a backing for mirrors.
TAINTtaint n. A contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food.
taint n. A tinge, trace or touch.
taint n. A mark of disgrace, especially on one’s character; blemish.
TAIRAtaira n. Alternative form of tayra.
Taira prop.n. A Japanese male given name from Japanese.
Taira prop.n. A surname from Japanese.
TAISHtaish n. Alternative form of taisch.
TAISH n. (Gaelic) an apparition of someone about to die, also TAISCH.
TAITStaits n. Plural of tait.
Taits prop.n. Plural of Tait.
TAIT n. (Scots) a small portion, a pinch, also TATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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