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There are 6 four-letter words containing TIC

ETICetic adj. (Social sciences, anthropology) Of or pertaining to analysis of a culture from a perspective situated…
-etic suff. Used to form adjectives, meaning "pertaining to", derived from nouns, most of which end in -esis.
ETIC n. a type of linguistic analysis.
OTICotic adj. (Anatomy) Of, relating/pertaining to, or located near the ear.
-otic suff. (Pathology) Having disease or abnormal condition.
-otic suff. Pertaining to a process or action.
TICEtice n. (Cricket, dated) A ball bowled to strike the ground about a bat’s length in front of the wicket; a yorker.
tice n. (Croquet) A ball left at a hittable but difficult distance or position, to lure the opponent into a mistake.
tice v. (Obsolete) To entice.
TICHtich n. (Britain, colloquial) A very small person.
TICH n. a small person, also TITCH.
TICKtick n. A tiny woodland arachnid of the suborder Ixodida.
tick n. A relatively quiet but sharp sound generally made repeatedly by moving machinery.
tick n. A mark on any scale of measurement; a unit of measurement.
TICStics n. Plural of tic.
TICs n. Plural of TIC.
TIC v. to twitch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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