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There are 8 four-letter words containing TAR

STARstar n. Any small luminous dot appearing in the cloudless portion of the night sky, especially with a fixed…
star n. (Astronomy) A luminous celestial body, made up of plasma (particularly hydrogen and helium) and having…
star n. (Geometry) A concave polygon with regular, pointy protrusions and indentations, usually with four, five…
TARAtara interj. (Northern England, Midlands or informal) goodbye; equivalent to the more geographically widespread ta ta.
Tara prop.n. An Irish place name, associated with the Hill of Tara, seat of ancient Irish kings.
Tara prop.n. A female given name transferred from the place name, of 20th century and later usage.
TAREtare n. (Rare) A vetch, or the seed of a vetch (genus Vicia, esp. Vicia sativa).
tare n. Any of the tufted grasses of genus Lolium; darnel.
tare n. (Rare, figuratively) A damaging weed growing in fields of grain.
TARNtarn n. (Northern England) A small mountain lake, especially in Northern England.
tarn n. (US, chiefly Montana) One of many small mountain lakes or ponds.
Tarn prop.n. A department of Occitanie, France; previously in Midi-Pyrénées (INSEE code 81).
TAROtaro n. Colocasia esculenta, raised as a food primarily for its corm, which distantly resembles potato.
taro n. Any of several other species with similar corms and growth habit in Colocasia, Alocasia etc.
taro n. Food from a taro plant.
TARPtarp n. A tarpaulin.
tarp v. To cover something with a tarpaulin.
TARP n. (slang) a tarpaulin, a protective canvas covering.
TARStars n. Plural of tar.
tars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tar.
tars- pref. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the tarsus.
TARTtart adj. Sharp to the taste; acid; sour.
tart adj. (Of wine) high or too high in acidity.
tart adj. (Figuratively) Sharp; keen; severe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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