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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing TTA

ACQUITTANCINGacquittancing v. Present participle of acquittance.
ACQUITTANCE v. (Shakespeare) to acquit or clear.
ATTAINABILITYattainability n. The state of being attainable.
ATTAINABILITY n. the quality of being attainable.
COUNTERATTACKcounterattack n. Alternative form of counter-attack.
counterattack v. Alternative form of counter-attack.
counter-attack n. An attack made in response to an attack by the opponents.
CYBERATTACKERcyberattacker n. (Internet) The perpetrator of a cyberattack.
DILETTANTEISHdilettanteish adj. Alternative form of dilettantish.
DILETTANTEISH adj. somewhat like a dilettante, also DILETTANTISH.
DILETTANTEISMdilettanteism n. Alternative form of dilettantism.
DILETTANTEISM n. the state of being a dilettante, also DILETTANTISM.
DILETTANTISMSdilettantisms n. Plural of dilettantism.
DILETTANTISM n. the state of being a dilettante, also DILETTANTEISM.
NONATTACHMENTnonattachment n. Lack of attachment, especially freedom from attachment to worldly things or goals, as in some Eastern philosophies.
non-attachment n. Alternative form of nonattachment.
NONATTACHMENT n. absence of an attachment.
NONCOMMITTALSnoncommittals n. Plural of noncommittal.
NONCOMMITTAL n. something giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling.
READMITTANCESreadmittances n. Plural of readmittance.
READMITTANCE n. the act of readmitting.
REATTACHMENTSreattachments n. Plural of reattachment.
REATTACHMENT n. the act of reattaching.
REATTAINMENTSreattainments n. Plural of reattainment.
TELECOTTAGINGtelecottaging n. Teleworking.
TELECOTTAGING n. working from a telecottage.
TRANSMITTABLEtransmittable adj. Synonym of transmissible.
TRANSMITTABLE adj. that can be transmitted, also TRANSMITTIBLE.
TRANSMITTANCEtransmittance n. A transmission.
transmittance n. (Physics) the fraction of incident light, or other radiation, that passes through a substance.
TRANSMITTANCE n. the act of transmitting.
TRANSMITTANCYTRANSMITTANCY n. a measure of the extent to which a solution transmits radiation.
UNFORGETTABLEunforgettable adj. Very difficult or impossible to forget.
UNFORGETTABLE adj. incapable of being forgotten.
UNFORGETTABLYunforgettably adv. In an unforgettable manner; very memorably.
UNFORGETTABLE adv. incapable of being forgotten.
WETTABILITIESwettabilities n. Plural of wettability.
WETTABILITY n. the ability to be wetted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 126 words
  • Scrabble in French: 164 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1532 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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