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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing TAD

ALPROSTADILSSorry, definition not available.
CATADIOPTRICcatadioptric adj. (Optics) Of or pertaining to optical systems that employ both refractive (dioptric) and reflective (catoptric)…
CATADIOPTRIC adj. relating to or employing both reflection and refraction, as in the construction of some long-focal-length photographic lenses, also CATADIOPTRICAL.
CONQUISTADORconquistador n. A conqueror, but especially one of the Spanish soldiers that invaded Central and South America otherwise…
CONQUISTADOR n. (Spanish) a conqueror; specifically any of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th cent.
CRESCENTADEScrescentades n. Plural of crescentade.
CRESCENTADE n. a religious war for Islam.
DARMSTADTIUMdarmstadtium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Ds) with atomic number 110.
DARMSTADTIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive element.
INTERSTADIALinterstadial adj. Between developmental stages.
interstadial adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to a temporary period of thaw in the middle of an ice age.
interstadial n. Such a period.
PENTADACTYLEpentadactyle adj. Alternative form of pentadactyl.
PENTADACTYLE adj. having five fingers or toes to each hand or foot, also PENTADACTYLIC, PENTADACTYLOUS.
PENTADACTYLE n. a pentadactyle animal, also PENTADACTYL.
PENTADACTYLYpentadactyly n. The condition of having five digits (fingers or toes) on a limb.
PENTADACTYLY n. the state of being pentadactyl, having five fingers.
RHODOMONTADErhodomontade n. Dated spelling of rodomontade.
rhodomontade v. Dated spelling of rodomontade.
RHODOMONTADE n. (French) a bragging speech; vain boasting or bluster.
RODOMONTADEDrodomontaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of rodomontade.
RODOMONTADE v. to boast, rant, also RHODOMONTADE.
RODOMONTADERRODOMONTADER n. a braggart, a blusterer.
RODOMONTADESrodomontades n. Plural of rodomontade.
RODOMONTADE n. (French) a bragging speech; vain boasting or bluster.
STADDLESTONEstaddle␣stone n. One of the mushroom-shaped stones used as a support for a barn (or staddle). The shape prevents rats…
STADDLESTONE n. a low mushroom-shaped arrangement of a conical and flat, circular stone, used as a support for a haystack.
STADIOMETERSstadiometers n. Plural of stadiometer.
STADIOMETER n. an instrument that measures the length of curves, dashes, etc., by running a toothed wheel along them.
STADTHOLDERSstadtholders n. Plural of stadtholder.
STADTHOLDER n. (Dutch) a Dutch viceroy or provincial governor, also STADHOLDER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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