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There are 14 words containing STROPHIC

ANTISTROPHICantistrophic adj. (Poetry) Of or pertaining to an antistrophe.
ANTISTROPHIC adj. relating to antistrophe, the repetition of words in reverse order.
APOSTROPHICapostrophic adj. (Rhetoric) Pertaining to the rhetoric use of, or using, apostrophe (sudden, exclamatory dialogue).
apostrophic adj. (Orthography) Pertaining to the grammatical use of, or using, the apostrophe (the diacritical mark ’).
APOSTROPHIC adj. relating to apostrophe.
CATASTROPHICcatastrophic adj. Of or pertaining to a catastrophe.
catastrophic adj. Disastrous; ruinous.
catastrophic adj. From which recovery is impossible.
DIASTROPHICdiastrophic adj. Relating to diastrophism.
DIASTROPHIC adj. relating to diastrophism.
DIASTROPHICALLYdiastrophically adv. In terms of, or by means of, diastrophism.
DIASTROPHIC adv. relating to diastrophism.
DYSTROPHICdystrophic adj. Affected with dystrophy.
dystrophic adj. (Of a spring, lake &c) Having brownish acidic waters due to humus.
DYSTROPHIC adj. relating to dystrophia.
GEOSTROPHICgeostrophic adj. (Meteorology) Relating to the balance, in the atmosphere, between the horizontal Coriolis forces and…
geostrophic adj. (Meteorology) Relating to or arising from the deflective force exerted on the atmosphere due to the…
GEOSTROPHIC adj. relating to deflection due to effects of Earth's rotation.
GEOSTROPHICALLYgeostrophically adv. By means of, or in terms of, geostrophy.
GEOSTROPHIC adv. relating to deflection due to effects of Earth's rotation.
HETEROSTROPHICheterostrophic adj. Exhibiting heterostrophy.
HETEROSTROPHIC adj. consisting of unequal strophes; coiled contrary to the usual direction.
MONOSTROPHICmonostrophic adj. Of or pertaining to monostrophe.
monostrophic n. A monostrophe.
MONOSTROPHIC adj. having the same strophic or stanzaic structure throughout.
MONOSTROPHICSmonostrophics n. Plural of monostrophic.
MONOSTROPHICS n. monostrophic verses.
OCTASTROPHICOCTASTROPHIC adj. consisting of eight strophes.
STROPHICstrophic adj. (Prosody) Using or containing strophes.
strophic adj. (Music) Of a song, composed so that every stanza is set to the same music.
STROPHIC adj. pertaining to or consisting of strophes, also STROPHICAL.
STROPHICALstrophical adj. Composed of strophes.
STROPHICAL adj. pertaining to or consisting of strophes, also STROPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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