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There are 19 words containing SMOGRAPH

COSMOGRAPHERcosmographer n. (Astrophysics) A scientist specializing in understanding and describing the nature of the universe.
cosmographer n. (Obsolete) Someone who describes the world; a geographer or anthropologist.
COSMOGRAPHER n. a student of cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHERScosmographers n. Plural of cosmographer.
COSMOGRAPHER n. a student of cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHICcosmographic adj. Of or pertaining to cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to cosmography, also COSMOGRAPHICAL.
COSMOGRAPHICALcosmographical adj. Of or pertaining to cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to cosmography, also COSMOGRAPHIC.
COSMOGRAPHIEScosmographies n. Plural of cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHY n. a general description of the world or of the universe.
COSMOGRAPHISTcosmographist n. A cosmographer.
COSMOGRAPHIST n. a practitioner of cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHISTScosmographists n. Plural of cosmographist.
COSMOGRAPHIST n. a practitioner of cosmography.
COSMOGRAPHYcosmography n. The creation of maps of the universe.
cosmography n. The study of the size and geometry of the universe and changes in those with cosmic time.
COSMOGRAPHY n. a general description of the world or of the universe.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHplethysmograph n. (Medicine) An instrument for measuring changes in volume within an organ or whole body (usually via…
PLETHYSMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHSplethysmographs n. Plural of plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHYplethysmography n. (Medicine) The diagnostic use of a plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of a plethysmograph, an instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow.
SEISMOGRAPHseismograph n. An instrument that automatically detects and records the intensity, direction and duration of earthquakes…
SEISMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording earthquakes.
SEISMOGRAPHERseismographer n. A person who measures and records earthquakes and other ground vibrations.
seismographer n. A person who studies such records, a seismologist.
SEISMOGRAPHER n. one who uses a seismograph.
SEISMOGRAPHERSseismographers n. Plural of seismographer.
SEISMOGRAPHER n. one who uses a seismograph.
SEISMOGRAPHICseismographic adj. Relating to seismography and seismology.
SEISMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to seismography, also SEISMOGRAPHICAL.
SEISMOGRAPHICALseismographical adj. Synonym of seismographic.
SEISMOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to seismography, also SEISMOGRAPHIC.
SEISMOGRAPHIESseismographies n. Plural of seismography.
SEISMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of the seismograph.
SEISMOGRAPHSseismographs n. Plural of seismograph.
SEISMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording earthquakes.
SEISMOGRAPHYseismography n. The measurement and recording of earthquakes and other ground vibrations.
seismography n. The study of these records, seismology.
SEISMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of the seismograph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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