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There are 16 words containing SITATION

DEPOSITATIONdepositation n. The act of depositing, or material that is deposited.
DEPOSITATION n. in Scots law, a bailment where one entrusts goods to another to be kept without recompense.
DEPOSITATIONSdepositations n. Plural of depositation.
DEPOSITATION n. in Scots law, a bailment where one entrusts goods to another to be kept without recompense.
HESITATIONhesitation n. An act of hesitating.
hesitation n. Doubt; vacillation.
hesitation n. A faltering in speech; stammering.
HESITATIONShesitations n. Plural of hesitation.
HESITATION n. the action of hesitating.
INTERVISITATIONintervisitation n. The paying of mutual visits; the act of visiting each other.
INTERVISITATION n. between visits.
INUSITATIONinusitation n. (Archaic) Lack of use; disuse.
INUSITATION n. disuse, disrepair.
MUSSITATIONmussitation n. Speech conducted in a hushed manner, akin to a whisper or a murmur.
mussitation n. (Medicine) A comatose patient’s action of forming words with his lips without producing sound.
MUSSITATION n. muttering to oneself soundlessly; murmuring.
MUSSITATIONSmussitations n. Plural of mussitation.
MUSSITATION n. muttering to oneself soundlessly; murmuring.
NECESSITATIONnecessitation n. (Chiefly philosophy) Necessity, understood as a logical or other philosophical principle, or as a law…
NECESSITATION n. the act of necessitating.
NECESSITATIONSnecessitations n. Plural of necessitation.
NECESSITATION n. the act of necessitating.
REVISITATIONrevisitation n. An act of revisiting.
REVISITATION n. the act of revisiting.
REVISITATIONSrevisitations n. Plural of revisitation.
REVISITATION n. the act of revisiting.
VISITATIONvisitation n. The act of visiting, or an instance of being visited.
visitation n. An official visit to inspect or examine something.
visitation n. An encounter with supernatural beings such as ghosts or aliens.
VISITATIONALvisitational adj. Relating to visitation.
VISITATIONAL adj. relating to visitation.
VISITATIONSvisitations n. Plural of visitation.
VISITATION n. a visit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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