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There are 20 words containing SYPHILI

SYPHILISsyphilis n. (Pathology) A disease spread via sexual activity, caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
SYPHILIS n. a venereal disease, also SYPH.
SYPHILISEsyphilise v. Alternative form of syphilize.
SYPHILISE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILIZE.
SYPHILIZEsyphilize v. (Medicine, transitive) To inoculate with syphilis.
SYPHILIZE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILISE.
SYPHILISEDsyphilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of syphilise.
SYPHILISE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILIZE.
SYPHILISESsyphilises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of syphilise.
SYPHILIS n. a venereal disease, also SYPH.
SYPHILITICsyphilitic adj. (Pathology) Of, relating to, or infected with syphilis.
syphilitic n. A person with syphilis (but see people-first language).
SYPHILITIC adj. of or like syphilis, a venereal disease.
SYPHILIZEDsyphilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of syphilize.
SYPHILIZE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILISE.
SYPHILIZESsyphilizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of syphilize.
SYPHILIZE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILISE.
SYPHILISINGsyphilising v. Present participle of syphilise.
SYPHILISE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILIZE.
SYPHILITICSsyphilitics n. Plural of syphilitic.
SYPHILITIC n. one suffering from syphilis.
SYPHILIZINGsyphilizing v. Present participle of syphilize.
SYPHILIZE v. to inoculate or infect with syphilis, also SYPHILISE.
NEUROSYPHILISneurosyphilis n. (Pathology) A syphilis infection affecting the nervous system.
NEUROSYPHILIS n. a syphilitic infection affecting the central nervous system.
SYPHILISATIONsyphilisation n. Alternative form of syphilization.
SYPHILISATION n. the process of syphilising, also SYPHILIZATION.
SYPHILIZATIONsyphilization n. (Obsolete, medicine) inoculation with material from a syphilitic lesion, especially when employed as…
syphilization n. Infection with syphilis.
SYPHILIZATION n. the process of syphilizing, also SYPHILISATION.
ANTISYPHILITICantisyphilitic adj. (Pharmacology) Countering syphilis.
antisyphilitic n. (Pharmacology) Any drug that counters syphilis.
ANTISYPHILITIC n. an agent that is effective against syphilis.
SYPHILISATIONSsyphilisations n. Plural of syphilisation.
SYPHILISATION n. the process of syphilising, also SYPHILIZATION.
SYPHILITICALLYsyphilitically adv. (Medicine) In a syphilitic manner; with venereal disease.
SYPHILITIC adv. of or like syphilis, a venereal disease.
SYPHILIZATIONSsyphilizations n. Plural of syphilization.
SYPHILIZATION n. the process of syphilizing, also SYPHILISATION.
ANTISYPHILITICSantisyphilitics n. Plural of antisyphilitic.
ANTISYPHILITIC n. an agent that is effective against syphilis.
NEUROSYPHILISESNEUROSYPHILIS n. a syphilitic infection affecting the central nervous system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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