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There are 19 words containing STRENGT

STRENGTHstrength n. The quality or degree of being strong.
strength n. The intensity of a force or power; potency.
strength n. The strongest part of something; that on which confidence or reliance is based.
STRENGTHSstrengths n. Plural of strength.
strengths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strength.
STRENGTH n. a degree of being mentally or physically strong.
STRENGTHENstrengthen v. (Transitive) To make strong or stronger; to add strength to; to increase the strength of; to fortify.
strengthen v. (Transitive) To empower; to give moral strength to; to encourage; to enhearten.
strengthen v. (Transitive) To augment; to improve; to intensify.
STRENGTHENSstrengthens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strengthen.
STRENGTHEN v. to make stronger.
STRENGTHFULstrengthful adj. (Archaic) Full of strength; strong; having strength; powerful.
STRENGTHFUL adj. full of strength.
RESTRENGTHENrestrengthen v. To strengthen again, to make stronger again.
RESTRENGTHEN v. to strengthen again.
STRENGTHENEDstrengthened v. Simple past tense and past participle of strengthen.
STRENGTHEN v. to make stronger.
STRENGTHENERstrengthener n. One who, or that which, gives or adds strength.
STRENGTHENER n. something that strengthens.
STRENGTHLESSstrengthless adj. Being weak or powerless, lacking strength.
strengthless adj. Having no special abilities or talents, lacking strengths.
STRENGTHLESS adj. without strength.
RESTRENGTHENSrestrengthens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of restrengthen.
RESTRENGTHEN v. to strengthen again.
STRENGTHENERSstrengtheners n. Plural of strengthener.
STRENGTHENER n. something that strengthens.
STRENGTHENINGstrengthening v. Present participle of strengthen.
strengthening n. The process by which something is strengthened.
STRENGTHENING n. the act of making stronger.
SUPERSTRENGTHsuperstrength n. Remarkable strength, above and beyond that of normal human strength.
superstrength n. (Of an alcoholic beverage) Remarkable strength, containing a higher percentage of alcohol than is typical or expected.
superstrength n. Superhuman strength.
UNDERSTRENGTHunderstrength adj. Lacking in number (Of a military unit, sport team, etc.).
understrength adj. Lacking in strength or durability (of a material or structure).
UNDERSTRENGTH adj. deficient in strength.
RESTRENGTHENEDrestrengthened v. Simple past tense and past participle of restrengthen.
RESTRENGTHEN v. to strengthen again.
STRENGTHENINGSstrengthenings n. Plural of strengthening.
STRENGTHENING n. the act of making stronger.
SUPERSTRENGTHSsuperstrengths n. Plural of superstrength.
SUPERSTRENGTH n. exceptional strength.
UNSTRENGTHENEDunstrengthened adj. Not strengthened.
UNSTRENGTHENED adj. not strengthened.
RESTRENGTHENINGrestrengthening v. Present participle of restrengthen.
RESTRENGTHEN v. to strengthen again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 102 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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