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There are 19 words containing SECRETI

SECRETINsecretin n. (Biochemistry) A peptide hormone, secreted by the duodenum, that serves to regulate its acidity.
SECRETIN n. a hormone secreted by the duodenum.
SECRETINGsecreting v. (US) present participle of secret.
secreting v. Present participle of secrete.
SECRETE v. to emit by means of bodily functions.
SECRETINSsecretins n. Plural of secretin.
SECRETIN n. a hormone secreted by the duodenum.
SECRETIONsecretion n. (Countable) any substance that is secreted by an organism.
secretion n. (Uncountable) the act of secreting a substance, especially from a gland.
secretion n. The act of hiding something.
SECRETIVEsecretive adj. Having an inclination to secrecy.
secretive adj. Relating to secretion.
SECRETIVE adj. inclined to or fond of secrecy.
SECRETIONSsecretions n. Plural of secretion.
SECRETION n. something that is secreted.
SECRETIONALsecretional adj. Relating to secretions.
SECRETIONAL adj. related to secretion.
SECRETIVELYsecretively adv. In a secretive manner.
SECRETIVE adv. inclined to or fond of secrecy.
UNSECRETINGunsecreting v. Present participle of unsecret.
UNSECRET v. (Shakespeare) to inform or make aware.
SECRETIONARYsecretionary adj. Relating to secretions.
SECRETIONARY adj. relating to secretion.
OVERSECRETINGoversecreting v. Present participle of oversecrete.
over-secreting v. Present participle of over-secrete.
OVERSECRETIONoversecretion n. Excessive secretion.
OVERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
SECRETIVENESSsecretiveness n. The state or characteristic of being secretive.
SECRETIVENESS n. the state of being secretive.
HYPERSECRETIONhypersecretion n. (Endocrinology) Excessive secretion.
HYPERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
NEUROSECRETIONneurosecretion n. The synthesis and release of hormones by neurons.
neurosecretion n. A hormone so secreted.
NEUROSECRETION n. the process of producing a secretion by neurons.
OVERSECRETIONSoversecretions n. Plural of oversecretion.
OVERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
HYPERSECRETIONShypersecretions n. Plural of hypersecretion.
HYPERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
NEUROSECRETIONSneurosecretions n. Plural of neurosecretion.
NEUROSECRETION n. the process of producing a secretion by neurons.
SECRETIVENESSESSECRETIVENESS n. the state of being secretive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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