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There are 13 words containing STUDEN

ANTISTUDENTantistudent adj. Opposing students.
ANTISTUDENT adj. opposed to students.
NONSTUDENTnonstudent n. A person (especially one in an educational establishment) who is not a student.
nonstudent adj. Not relating to students.
NONSTUDENT n. someone who is not a student.
NONSTUDENTSnonstudents n. Plural of nonstudent.
NONSTUDENT n. someone who is not a student.
STUDENTstudent n. A person who studies or learns about a particular subject.
student n. A person who is formally enrolled at a school, a college or university, or another educational institution.
Student adj. Clipping of Student’s.
STUDENTIERSTUDENTY adj. like or in the manner of a student.
STUDENTIESTSTUDENTY adj. like or in the manner of a student.
STUDENTISHstudentish adj. Characteristic of a student; studenty.
STUDENTRIESstudentries n. Plural of studentry.
STUDENTRY n. a body of students.
STUDENTRYstudentry n. A body of students.
STUDENTRY n. a body of students.
STUDENTSstudents n. Plural of student.
Student's adj. Pertaining to Student’s t test or Student’s t distribution.
STUDENT n. a person formally engaged in learning.
STUDENTSHIPstudentship n. The position or role of a student.
studentship n. An endowment or scholarship for a student.
STUDENTSHIP n. a grant for university study.
STUDENTSHIPSstudentships n. Plural of studentship.
STUDENTSHIP n. a grant for university study.
STUDENTYstudenty adj. (Informal) Of or pertaining to university students.
STUDENTY adj. like or in the manner of a student.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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