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There are 10 words containing STICHI

STICHICstichic adj. Describing verse that is not divided into stanzas, but consists of lines all having the same metrical form.
STICHIC adj. relating to verse composed in homogeneous and recurrent lines, as in recitative poetry.
STICHIDIAstichidia n. Plural of stichidium.
STICHIDIUM n. a branch producing tetraspores, in red seaweeds.
STICHIDIUMstichidium n. A special pod-like or fusiform branch containing tetraspores, found in certain red algae.
STICHIDIUM n. a branch producing tetraspores, in red seaweeds.
TRISTICHICTRISTICHIC adj. relating to a tristich, a stanza of three lines.
HEXASTICHICHEXASTICHIC adj. having six lines or rows, also HEXASTICHAL.
MONOSTICHICMONOSTICHIC adj. like a monostich, a composition consisting of one verse only.
STICHICALLYSTICHIC adv. relating to verse composed in homogeneous and recurrent lines, as in recitative poetry.
PARASTICHIESparastichies n. Plural of parastichy.
PARASTICHY n. a secondary helix joining leaf-bases on an axis, visible where the leaves are crowded together, e.g. the scales of a pine cone.
TETRASTICHICtetrastichic adj. In the form of a tetrastich.
TETRASTICHIC adj. of or like a tetrastich, also TETRASTICHAL.
ORTHOSTICHIESorthostichies n. Plural of orthostichy.
ORTHOSTICHY n. a straight row, e.g. of leaves vertically over one another on an axis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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