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There are 10 words containing STERES

STERESsteres n. Plural of stere.
STERE n. (French) a timber measure, a cubic metre (about 35.315 cubic feet).
AUSTERESTausterest adj. Superlative form of austere: most austere.
AUSTERE adj. severe.
DECASTERESdecasteres n. Plural of decastere.
DECASTERE n. a measure of capacity, equal to ten steres, or ten cubic meters.
DECISTERESdecisteres n. Plural of decistere.
DECISTERE n. one tenth of a stere or cubic meter.
HYSTERESEShystereses n. Plural of hysteresis.
HYSTERESIS n. the retardation or lagging of an effect behind the cause of the effect.
HYSTERESIShysteresis n. A property of a system such that an output value is not a strict function of the corresponding input…
hysteresis n. Magnetic friction in dynamos, by which every reversal of magnetism in the iron causes dissipation of energy.
HYSTERESIS n. the retardation or lagging of an effect behind the cause of the effect.
HECTOSTEREShectosteres n. Plural of hectostere.
HECTOSTERE n. a measure of solidity, containing one hundred cubic meters.
HUCKSTERESShucksteress n. (Archaic) A female huckster.
HUCKSTERESS n. a female huckster, also HUCKSTRESS.
HYSTERESIALHYSTERESIAL adj. pertaining to hysteresis.
HUCKSTERESSEShucksteresses n. Plural of hucksteress.
HUCKSTERESS n. a female huckster, also HUCKSTRESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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