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There are 9 words containing STALGI

COSTALGIAcostalgia n. Pain in the ribs, or the costal muscles.
COSTALGIA n. pain around the chest due to damage to a rib or nerve running below a rib.
COSTALGIASCOSTALGIA n. pain around the chest due to damage to a rib or nerve running below a rib.
NOSTALGIAnostalgia n. (Now uncommon) A longing for home or familiar surroundings; homesickness.
nostalgia n. (Transferred sense) A bittersweet yearning for the things of the past.
NOSTALGIA n. homesickness; the desire to return to some earlier time in one's life.
NOSTALGIASnostalgias n. Plural of nostalgia.
NOSTALGIA n. homesickness; the desire to return to some earlier time in one's life.
NOSTALGICnostalgic adj. Of, having, or relating to nostalgia.
nostalgic n. A person who displays nostalgia for something.
NOSTALGIC adj. missing the past.
NOSTALGICALLYnostalgically adv. In a nostalgic manner.
NOSTALGIC adv. missing the past.
NOSTALGICSnostalgics n. Plural of nostalgic.
NOSTALGIC n. one who is nostalgic.
NOSTALGISTnostalgist n. A person who is prone to nostalgia.
NOSTALGIST n. one who indulges in nostalgia.
NOSTALGISTSnostalgists n. Plural of nostalgist.
NOSTALGIST n. one who indulges in nostalgia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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