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There are 17 words containing SPRINT

MISPRINTmisprint n. An accidental mistake in print.
misprint v. To make a misprint.
MISPRINT v. to print incorrectly.
MISPRINTEDmisprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of misprint.
MISPRINT v. to print incorrectly.
MISPRINTINGmisprinting v. Present participle of misprint.
MISPRINT v. to print incorrectly.
MISPRINTSmisprints n. Plural of misprint.
misprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misprint.
MISPRINT v. to print incorrectly.
NEWSPRINTnewsprint n. An inexpensive paper used for printing newspapers.
NEWSPRINT n. inexpensive paper for printing newspapers on.
NEWSPRINTSnewsprints n. Plural of newsprint.
NEWSPRINT n. inexpensive paper for printing newspapers on.
OUTSPRINToutsprint v. (Transitive) To sprint faster than.
OUTSPRINT v. to excel in sprinting.
OUTSPRINTEDoutsprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsprint.
OUTSPRINT v. to excel in sprinting.
OUTSPRINTINGoutsprinting v. Present participle of outsprint.
OUTSPRINT v. to excel in sprinting.
OUTSPRINTSoutsprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outsprint.
OUTSPRINT v. to excel in sprinting.
SPRINTsprint n. A short race at top speed.
sprint n. A burst of speed or activity.
sprint n. (Software engineering) In Agile software development, a period of development of a fixed time that is…
SPRINTEDsprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of sprint.
SPRINT v. to run at top speed.
SPRINTERsprinter n. One who sprints.
sprinter n. Transition period between winter and spring: late winter.
Sprinter n. (Rail transport, Britain) A British diesel multiple unit of class 150, 153, 155, 156, 158 or 159.
SPRINTERSsprinters n. Plural of sprinter.
Sprinters n. Plural of Sprinter.
SPRINTER n. one who sprints.
SPRINTINGsprinting v. Present participle of sprint.
sprinting n. The act or action of the verb to sprint (to run, cycle, etc. at top speed for a short period).
SPRINTING n. the act of running at top speed.
SPRINTINGSsprintings n. Plural of sprinting.
SPRINTING n. the act of running at top speed.
SPRINTSsprints n. Plural of sprint.
sprints n. (Cycling, UK) Synonym of tubulars.
SPRINT v. to run at top speed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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