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There are 15 words containing SONATI

ASSONATINGassonating v. Present participle of assonate.
ASSONATE v. to match in a vowel sound.
IMPERSONATINGimpersonating v. Present participle of impersonate.
IMPERSONATE v. to assume or act the character of.
IMPERSONATIONimpersonation n. The act of impersonating.
IMPERSONATION n. the act of impersonating.
IMPERSONATIONSimpersonations n. Plural of impersonation.
IMPERSONATION n. the act of impersonating.
PERSONATINGpersonating v. Present participle of personate.
personating n. An act of impersonation.
PERSONATING n. assume the identity of, with intent to deceive.
PERSONATINGSpersonatings n. Plural of personating.
PERSONATING n. assume the identity of, with intent to deceive.
PERSONATIONpersonation n. The act of personating: the playing of a role or portrayal of a character.
personation n. The roles or characters so played.
personation n. (UK) The act of voting in an election by impersonating someone else.
PERSONATIONSpersonations n. Plural of personation.
PERSONATION n. the act of personating.
PERSONATIVEpersonative adj. Portraying a person or persons.
PERSONATIVE adj. dramatic; presenting or presented through persons.
RESONATINGresonating v. Present participle of resonate.
RESONATE v. to resound.
RESONATIONresonation n. The act or state of resonating.
RESONATION n. the act of resonating.
RESONATIONSresonations n. Plural of resonation.
RESONATION n. the act of resonating.
SONATINAsonatina n. A musical composition resembling a sonata but shorter or simpler.
SONATINA n. (Italian) a short and simple sonata.
SONATINASsonatinas n. Plural of sonatina.
SONATINA n. (Italian) a short and simple sonata.
SONATINEsonatine n. Plural of sonatina.
SONATINA n. (Italian) a short and simple sonata.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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