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There are 18 words containing SOLOGI

DOSOLOGIESDOSOLOGY n. the science of doses.
GLOSSOLOGICALglossological adj. Of or pertaining to glossology.
GLOSSOLOGICAL adj. related to glossology, the study of language; study of the tongue.
GLOSSOLOGIESglossologies n. Plural of glossology.
GLOSSOLOGY n. (obsolete) the study of language; study of the tongue.
GLOSSOLOGISTglossologist n. One who defines and explains terms; one versed in glossology.
GLOSSOLOGIST n. a student of glossology.
GLOSSOLOGISTSglossologists n. Plural of glossologist.
GLOSSOLOGIST n. a student of glossology.
MISOLOGIESMISOLOGY n. a hatred of debate or reasoning.
MISOLOGISTmisologist n. One who hates or dislikes reasoning or argument.
MISOLOGIST n. a hater of knowledge and enlightenment.
MISOLOGISTSmisologists n. Plural of misologist.
MISOLOGIST n. a hater of knowledge and enlightenment.
NOSOLOGICnosologic adj. Pertaining to nosology or the classification of diseases.
NOSOLOGIC adj. relating to nosology, the science of diseases, also NOSOLOGICAL.
NOSOLOGICALnosological adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to nosology.
NOSOLOGICAL adj. relating to nosology, the science of diseases, also NOSOLOGIC.
NOSOLOGICALLYnosologically adv. In terms of nosology.
NOSOLOGICAL adv. relating to nosology, the science of diseases, also NOSOLOGIC.
NOSOLOGIESnosologies n. Plural of nosology.
NOSOLOGY n. a classification of diseases.
NOSOLOGISTnosologist n. One who studies diseases.
NOSOLOGIST n. one versed in nosology.
NOSOLOGISTSnosologists n. Plural of nosologist.
NOSOLOGIST n. one versed in nosology.
PERISSOLOGIESperissologies n. Plural of perissology.
PERISSOLOGY n. superfluity of words, pleonasm.
POSOLOGICposologic adj. (Pharmacy, pharmacology) Of or pertaining to posology; posological.
POSOLOGIC adj. relating to posology, the branch of medicine that deals with dosages, also POSOLOGICAL.
POSOLOGICALposological adj. (Pharmacy, pharmacology) Of or pertaining to posology.
POSOLOGICAL adj. related to posology, the branch of medicine that deals with dosages, also POSOLOGIC.
POSOLOGIESposologies n. Plural of posology.
POSOLOGY n. a branch of medicine that deals with drug dosages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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