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There are 20 words containing SISTAN

ASSISTANTassistant adj. Having a subordinate or auxiliary position.
assistant adj. Helping; lending aid or support; auxiliary.
assistant n. (Obsolete) Someone who is present; a bystander, a witness.
RESISTANTresistant n. A person who resists; especially a member of a resistance movement.
resistant n. A thing which resists.
resistant adj. Which makes resistance or offers opposition.
ASSISTANCEassistance n. Aid; help; the act or result of assisting.
ASSISTANCE n. the act of assisting or the help supplied.
ASSISTANTSassistants n. Plural of assistant.
ASSISTANT n. one who assists.
DESISTANCEdesistance n. (Rare) The act or state of desisting; cessation.
DESISTANCE n. the act or state of desisting, also DESISTENCE.
RESISTANCEresistance n. The act of resisting, or the capacity to resist.
resistance n. (Physics) A force that tends to oppose motion.
resistance n. (Physics) electrical resistance.
RESISTANTSresistants n. Plural of resistant.
RESISTANT n. a person who or thing which resists; specifically a member of a resistance movement, also RESISTENT.
ASSISTANCESassistances n. Plural of assistance.
ASSISTANCE n. the act of assisting or the help supplied.
DESISTANCESdesistances n. Plural of desistance.
DESISTANCE n. the act or state of desisting, also DESISTENCE.
RESISTANCESresistances n. Plural of resistance.
RESISTANCE n. the act or power of resisting.
UNRESISTANTunresistant adj. Not resistant.
UNRESISTANT adj. not resistant.
IRRESISTANCEirresistance n. (Archaic) passive submission; lack of resistance.
IRRESISTANCE n. lack of resistance.
NONRESISTANTnonresistant adj. Not resistant.
nonresistant n. One who does not take part in a resistance movement.
NONRESISTANT n. something not resistant.
ASSISTANTSHIPassistantship n. The occupation of being an assistant.
assistantship n. A position of employment as an assistant.
ASSISTANTSHIP n. the post of assistant.
NONRESISTANCEnonresistance n. Lack of resistance; not actively resisting.
NONRESISTANCE n. the principles or practice of passive submission to constituted authority even when unjust or oppressive.
NONRESISTANTSnonresistants n. Plural of nonresistant.
NONRESISTANT n. something not resistant.
ASSISTANTSHIPSassistantships n. Plural of assistantship.
ASSISTANTSHIP n. the post of assistant.
NONRESISTANCESnonresistances n. Plural of nonresistance.
NONRESISTANCE n. the principles or practice of passive submission to constituted authority even when unjust or oppressive.
RADIORESISTANTradioresistant adj. Having a certain amount of radioresistance.
RADIORESISTANT adj. able to withstand considerable radiation doses without injury.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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