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There are 19 words containing SICALL

ASTROPHYSICALLYastrophysically adv. With regard to astrophysics.
ASTROPHYSICAL adv. relating to astrophysics.
BASICALLYbasically adv. In a fundamental, essential or basic manner.
basically adv. Mostly; generally; for the most part.
basically adv. (Filler) used to refer to the most important or fundamental point the speaker is making; sometimes tending…
BIOPHYSICALLYbiophysically adv. With regard to biophysics.
BIOPHYSICAL adv. relating to biophysics.
CLASSICALLYclassically adv. In a classical manner; according to the manner of classical authors.
classically adv. In the manner of classes; according to a regular order of classes or sets.
CLASSICAL adv. resembling or in the style of the authors of Greece and Rome or the old masters in music.
DROPSICALLYdropsically adv. In a dropsical manner.
DROPSICAL adv. of, pertaining to, or of the nature of dropsy.
EXTRINSICALLYextrinsically adv. In an extrinsic manner.
EXTRINSICAL adv. outward, external, as opposed to intrinsic, also EXTRINSIC.
FORENSICALLYforensically adv. In a forensic manner.
forensically adv. Regarding forensics, or forensic science.
FORENSIC adv. belonging to courts of law.
GEOPHYSICALLYgeophysically adv. In a geophysical manner; in terms of geophysics.
GEOPHYSICAL adv. relating to geophysics.
HYPERPHYSICALLYhyperphysically adv. In a hyperphysical manner.
HYPERPHYSICAL adv. supernatural.
INTRINSICALLYintrinsically adv. In an intrinsic manner; internally; essentially.
INTRINSICAL adv. inward, internal, also INTRINSIC.
LACKADAISICALLYlackadaisically adv. In a lackadaisical manner; without enthusiasm or interest; perfunctorily.
LACKADAISICAL adv. lacking life, spirit, or zest; languid.
MESICALLYMESIC adv. relating to a moderate supply of moisture.
METAPHYSICALLYmetaphysically adv. In a metaphysical manner.
metaphysically adv. Concerning metaphysics.
METAPHYSICAL adv. of or relating to metaphysicist, also METAPHYSIC.
MICROPHYSICALLYmicrophysically adv. In terms of microphysics.
MICROPHYSICAL adv. relating to microphysics.
MUSICALLYmusically adv. In a musical manner.
musically adv. In terms of music.
MUSICAL adv. relating to music.
NONSENSICALLYnonsensically adv. In a nonsensical manner.
NONSENSICAL adv. relating to nonsense.
PHYSICALLYphysically adv. In a physical manner.
physically adv. According to the laws of physics.
physically adv. Using physical force.
UNMUSICALLYunmusically adv. In an unmusical way.
UNMUSICAL adv. not musical.
WHIMSICALLYwhimsically adv. In a whimsical manner.
WHIMSICAL adv. full of whims, odd, fantastical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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